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#19079 NetDuino as pachube's like webserver

Posted by antrea on 12 October 2011 - 04:41 PM in General Discussion

"I have read something on the internet" is a bad base for security considerations.

You're right, thanks for your reply... I will use the query string on my project.

Thanks again


#19077 NetDuino as pachube's like webserver

Posted by antrea on 12 October 2011 - 04:00 PM in General Discussion

The methods you are outlining don't differ in safety. Why do you think the second is safer than the first?

I have read something on internet about that.

Do you think that a query string is safer as an http requests authentication?

Its more easy for me to parse a query string because i have some example in my book:

#19073 NetDuino as pachube's like webserver

Posted by antrea on 12 October 2011 - 03:20 PM in General Discussion

I am not sure how much data you want to send per request but assuming is it only a small amount, say less than an ethernet packet of around 1500 bytes, then I would use "http get" and add the data to the query string.

such as "http://localaddress?...MyDataGoesHere"

the data itself would have to be url encoded. You would have to find or make a function to do this.

The response wouldn't have to say much just make sure it includes a http response code for success ie. 200.

you can pull the data off the query string by calling the request.Uri property and using everything after the = sign.

Then you would have to unencode the data.

I am sorry I cant give you working code, but it would look something like this:

int count = connectionSocket.Receive(bytes);
Request request = new Request(bytes);
string[] arraySplit = request.Uri.Split('=');
string data = UrlUnEncode( arraySplit[1]); //keep everything after the = sign

Hope this helps

Thanks for your reply...
Its a good idea to make a query string but.... i need to make a good and safe autentication.
I dont want to made a single query string with the username and password (maybe) like: http//localaddress?id=MyID&pass=MyPass&data=MyData...etc etc
Its unsafe...

I want to made something like that:

Client: Hi
Server: Pass?
Client: MyPass
Server: Username?
Client: MyUsername
Server: ok... good... how many data?
Client: 1
Server: Ok, tell me!
Client: 30
Server: closing
Client: Bye :)

With arduino i have used a sketch called "PachubeClient" that works exactly as above.

But... i dont have understand HOW (with which class) I can made the server's reply to an http request (not a query string).

On msdn i have read something about HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse for comunications between a client and server...



#19037 NetDuino as pachube's like webserver

Posted by antrea on 11 October 2011 - 06:41 PM in General Discussion

Hi I have two boards: netduino and a regular arduino 2009 (with ethernet shield). I want to use arduino2009 as a client that send (via internet) data to netduino configured as a pachube's like web server. Netduino will take the data from an http request from arduino2009 and storing it on a csv file. ...but... i dont understand how netduino can take a data from an http request... Do i need to use (in netduino) httpresepone class? How? Can you help me? thanks

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