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Steven Behnke's Content

There have been 16 items by Steven Behnke (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#46709 Replacement Cord

Posted by Steven Behnke on 05 March 2013 - 09:21 PM in General Discussion

They had them at Fry's electronics for $1.99 in a big bin the other day.  I grabbed a handful.

#46599 Looking for a few ninja code contributors...

Posted by Steven Behnke on 04 March 2013 - 01:22 AM in General Discussion

STDFU.dll contains a handful of functions in the STDFU.h file:


[font="'courier new', courier, monospace;"]STDFU_GetDeviceDescriptor[/font]

[font="'courier new', courier, monospace;"]STDFU_GetDFUDescriptor[/font]

[font="'courier new', courier, monospace;"]STDFU_GetStringDescriptor[/font]

[font="'courier new', courier, monospace;"]STDFU_GetNbOfConfigurations[/font]

[font="'courier new', courier, monospace;"]STDFU_GetConfigurationDescriptor[/font]

[font="'courier new', courier, monospace;"]STDFU_GetNbOfInterfaces[/font]

[font="'courier new', courier, monospace;"]STDFU_GetNbOfAlternates[/font]

[font="'courier new', courier, monospace;"]STDFU_GetInterfaceDescriptor[/font]

[font="'courier new', courier, monospace;"]STDFU_Open[/font]

[font="'courier new', courier, monospace;"]STDFU_Close[/font]

[font="'courier new', courier, monospace;"]STDFU_Detach[/font]

[font="'courier new', courier, monospace;"]STDFU_SelectCurrentConfiguration[/font]

[font="'courier new', courier, monospace;"]STDFU_Dnload[/font]

[font="'courier new', courier, monospace;"]STDFU_Upload[/font]

[font="'courier new', courier, monospace;"]STDFU_Getstatus[/font]

[font="'courier new', courier, monospace;"]STDFU_Clrstatus[/font]

[font="'courier new', courier, monospace;"]STDFU_Getstate[/font]

[font="'courier new', courier, monospace;"]STDFU_Abort[/font]


It seems that almost all of the function calls require a PHANDLE which I believe would come from the USB Device Enumeration, but there appears to be no support for enumerating HID devices in the STDFU dll itself.


Also, in case you didn't know the Dfuse installs some of the source code in the following location:


C:Program Files (x86)STMicroelectronicsSoftwareDfuSeSources for amd64


C:Program FilesSTMicroelectronicsSoftwareDfuSeSources for normal 32 bit x86.

#46638 Looking for a few ninja code contributors...

Posted by Steven Behnke on 04 March 2013 - 11:29 PM in General Discussion

I'm at work right now and don't have the STDFU.dll here right now, but most likely it depends on the other DLLs in that directory.  If you run: Dependency Walker against it it should tell you which dependencies are missing if it is in the application's bin directory.

#46586 Looking for a few ninja code contributors...

Posted by Steven Behnke on 03 March 2013 - 05:26 PM in General Discussion

Hmm... I started looking into the STDFU.H provided with the installer and it appears that all of the calls use pascal calling convention.  This is not supported by P/Invoke from what I've seen.

#46589 Looking for a few ninja code contributors...

Posted by Steven Behnke on 03 March 2013 - 06:19 PM in General Discussion

Ah ok, that sounds better then.  It shouldn't be too bad to wrap this all up then into a nicer interface.

#46629 Looking for a few ninja code contributors...

Posted by Steven Behnke on 04 March 2013 - 08:30 PM in General Discussion

Hmm.. Amazon Prime could get me a Netduino 2 on Wednesday.  I wonder if I should pull the trigger and try this out.

#46641 Looking for a few ninja code contributors...

Posted by Steven Behnke on 05 March 2013 - 12:16 AM in General Discussion

Dave said above: "[color=rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;]ps the dlls you need are stdfu.dll and sttubedevice30.dll.  Tube device?  Didn't those go out of mode in the 60s?"[/color]

#46938 Looking for a few ninja code contributors...

Posted by Steven Behnke on 09 March 2013 - 03:51 PM in General Discussion

Alt print screen should print screen just the active window.

#46584 Looking for a few ninja code contributors...

Posted by Steven Behnke on 03 March 2013 - 05:06 PM in General Discussion

Sounds like an interesting project.  I've dug out my netduino lately and have been spending time learning the electrical engineering to do something useful with it, but I'm still a full time developer writing code in C++ and C#.

#46901 Looking for a few ninja code contributors...

Posted by Steven Behnke on 08 March 2013 - 06:06 PM in General Discussion

I would love to help out more as well.  If nothing else we should get access to the bit bucket repository so that we can see what is being worked on and what is left to do.

#46717 DSO Nano v3

Posted by Steven Behnke on 05 March 2013 - 10:45 PM in General Discussion

Have any of you seen the DSO Nano v3?  http://www.seeedstud....html?cPath=174 Do you have any opinions on how good this would be for a starter scope?  The portability and form factor seem very good.  I know the Nano V2 got pretty good reviews from AdaFruit and Sparkfun, but I can't find anything about the v3 yet.



#47282 Dead Netduino?

Posted by Steven Behnke on 17 March 2013 - 12:48 AM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Hey everyone,


I'm trying to use my Netduino today and I'm discovering that it isn't very happy.  The last time I used it I flashed to firmware and loaded a blank program with Visual Studio no problem.  I plugged it in today and Visual Studio didn't see it.  I figured I'd just reload everything so I erased it with the erase pad then plugged it back in.  I was expecting to install the driver for SAM-BA v2.12 and flash the tiny boot loader and move on with life, but when I point the Unknown Device at the directory it says it has no idea what I'm talking about.  I checked the Hardware Ids under Details and it says "USBDEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_FAILURE".  Is it completely dead?  I did try to force the AT91 USB to Serial Converter driver, but it didn't start.  I'm not sure what else to try.


Thanks, Steven

#47283 Dead Netduino?

Posted by Steven Behnke on 17 March 2013 - 12:51 AM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

I also get this attached image:



#47284 Dead Netduino?

Posted by Steven Behnke on 17 March 2013 - 01:05 AM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Hmm, nevermind. I've tried a different USB cable and now it actually works. yay!

#47437 Boston area meetup?

Posted by Steven Behnke on 21 March 2013 - 05:16 AM in General Discussion

Sounds like fun, too bad it is the wrong side of the country.

#46590 .net Micro framework 4.3 question

Posted by Steven Behnke on 03 March 2013 - 06:26 PM in Netduino Go

There is a beta 4.3 firmware for the netduino 2's, but there isn't one for the original netduino models yet, as it takes too much space.  Secret Labs is working on it.

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