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#51618 New to NetDuino and got some questions

Posted by aaronk on 22 July 2013 - 03:14 AM in General Discussion



I am new to NetDuino and want to start using it but I have some questions..


First of all I don't know how to program in c# but some people have told me that it's basically the same as JavaScript which I know a bit about.


I know how to program in and have looked around on this forum and programming using micro framework, looks really easy.


I am trying to find the best place to find the 'Netduino Plus 2 with Ethernet' in Australia. Most are charging more in freight then the product. Does anyone know where I can get it where it's not going to cost more in freight then the product?


I believe the 'Netduino Plus 2 with Ethernet' is what I am after as I need to have a LAN, SD-Card as well as RS232.


Some other questions I have is:

- Does the Netduino Plus 2 having on-board memory to remember what the LAN IP address is if the user changes it, or do you need to store that type of info on the SD-Card?


- This question is almost the same as above, but can you store a database (such as SQL Lite) on the unit or does this need to be stored on the SD-Card?


- If you already have programming on the Netduino Plus 2 and you sent it to a friend and then you make a update how can they update the file onto the Netduino Plus 2 without giving the source code to them?


- If you have complied a program on the Netduino Plus 2 can anyone view the code that is on it or is it like a exe file, where you need the source code to be able to make changes?


Hope someone can help me on the above, as I am new to this and want to start learning about this kind of thing and I think this is going to be a really good start.

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