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#6637 Minecraft Timer project

Posted by Jake on 29 December 2010 - 07:58 AM in Project Showcase

Thank you guys for a very warm welcome to the forums :) @Chris - watch out, MineCraft can be fairly addictive ;-) @OZ & Charles - thank you, I tried to pass my learning experience on to everybody else :)

#6588 Minecraft Timer project

Posted by Jake on 27 December 2010 - 11:14 PM in Project Showcase

Hi there :) I just got started with netduino development a week ago - what fun! :D I've been playing MineCraft ( for a couple of months and thought I'd make a little timer to show what time of day it is above ground. For those of you who don't play minecraft: you spend a LOT of time below ground, and you don't want to come up tired and low on health, only to find out it is night, and the monsters are abound. In the simple version, the onboard LED indicates the phase of day above ground, and you can reset the timer to align with the in-game time using the netduino's button. I've also made a version which uses the LED, BigButton and LCD from the Seeed Studio Electronic Brick Starter Kit with the μLiquidCrystal library. Full source code and blog post with videopresentation at Kind regards - Jakob ----------------- Life is a game - have fun :)

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