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Jarrod Sinclair's Content

There have been 1 items by Jarrod Sinclair (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#61696 Grand Prix Track Timer

Posted by Jarrod Sinclair on 23 February 2015 - 04:03 AM in Project Showcase

Hi All,

Know I haven't been very active in the Forums for the last couple of years but this project still sees alot of traffic on my Blog and I help a handful of people build them ever year. Normally this is not a big deal because I have down the most common issues and have tried to keep the project page up to date. However there is a guy in Puerto Rico that is trying to build a modified version of my timer and I have been trying to help him through the build but his English is not very strong and my Spanish is non-existent  :). Is there anyone out there they might be willing to give this guy a hand and translate?


BTW - here is their track: 



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