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#18728 MorseCode Transmitter

Posted by hoverbear on 04 October 2011 - 12:42 AM in Project Showcase

Hi all,
Just posted my first C#/.net/.netMF/netduino project on Codeplex. You can find it here:

What is it?
In the project you're find two files, MorseCode.cs, and Program.cs

A class file which, once instantiated with a message string, will allow you to send out your message with a simple loop and parsing 4 different possibilities (Dot,Dash,LetterGap,WordGap) and send them off as you choose. It's not amazingly optimized but it does it's job good enough. If anyone has suggestions please feel free to include a modified file or said suggestions.

A simple example which transmits the given string (Found near the top of the program) via the onboard LED. It contains an example parse displaying how simple it currently is. I'm considering moving the transmission into the MorseCode class itself and having the caller pass in their desired interface device. But we'll see what happens.

I plan to do some more work on the project if it garners any interest, otherwise feel free to do what you wish with it!

Andrew (Hoverbear)

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