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Fjolle's Content

There have been 3 items by Fjolle (Search limited from 09-July 23)

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#60203 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by Fjolle on 24 September 2014 - 09:23 AM in General Discussion

The email I received was sent September 4. Check your spam folders?



It seems like deletes spam after 10 days :)


And none of the other emails from MS went to the spam folder...


Anyway... It would have been nice if you (MS) had managed to communicate better. Like not promising a board when you can't deliver...

#60147 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by Fjolle on 19 September 2014 - 01:41 PM in General Discussion

We had far more interest than kits. Quite literally, a couple orders of magnitude. We didn't expect that level of interest.


About a week ago or so, we sent out email to everyone who signed up saying that all the kits had been allocated. Anyone who has not yet received a shipping notification or a kit, and who wants to experiment with Windows on the Galileo, will need to pick up one retail and load Windows on it through the WindowsOnDevices site.




Strange. I only got the "We'll let you know when your device is shipped"-email and one announcing that I could download the firmware to a retail board. Nothing about everything being allocated.


Oh well.

#53211 NP1 v4.2 and SDHC cards

Posted by Fjolle on 15 October 2013 - 05:57 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Firmware 4.1 had some experimental support for cards bigger than 2 GB. Did that code get lost on its way to 4.2, or is it still there?


Normal SD cards are getting hard to find here in Denmark...

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