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#60800 SPI, Netduino, and RGB LED Strip

Posted by iukpo on 26 November 2014 - 12:47 AM in General Discussion

Hi! Wow...this thread is still active?? Haha. ;)

Unfortunately, I had some more trouble with the Netduino chip and ultimately wound up switching to a different device for control.


I still have my last working code. Here you go-it was written in C# for a WS8201.

Good luck!


using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;
using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware;
using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.NetduinoMini;

namespace NetduinoMiniApplication1
        public class Program
            static UInt16 numLEDs;

            static SPI.Configuration xSPIConfig;
            static SPI xspi;

             static byte[] colors;

             static byte[] zeroes;

             static byte[] attentionSequence = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 };

             static int numChannelsPerPixel = 3;

             static void writeColors()

             static void writezeros(int n) 
                 while (n>0)

             //Order is R (0), G (1), B (2).
             static byte[] getRGBChannelsFromColor(UInt32 color)
                 byte[] buffer = new byte[numChannelsPerPixel];
                 buffer[0]=(byte)((color >> 16) | 0x80);//g
                 buffer[1]=(byte)((color >> 8) | 0x80);//r
                 buffer[2] = (byte)(color | 0x80);//b
                 return buffer;
             static void setPixelColor(UInt16 n, UInt32 c) 
                 if (n >= numLEDs) return; // '>=' because arrays are 0-indexed
                 colors[n*numChannelsPerPixel] = (byte)((c >> 16) | 0x80);//g
                 colors[n * numChannelsPerPixel + 1] = (byte)((c >> 8) | 0x80);//r
                 colors[n * numChannelsPerPixel + 2] = (byte) (c | 0x80);//b

             static void setPixelColor(UInt16 n, byte r, byte g, byte b)
                 if (n >= numLEDs) return; // '>=' because arrays are 0-indexed
                 colors[n * numChannelsPerPixel] = (byte)(g  | 0x80);
                 colors[n * numChannelsPerPixel + 1] = (byte)(r | 0x80);
                 colors[n * numChannelsPerPixel + 2] = (byte)(b | 0x80);

             //Used to send command to change color.
             static void latch()

             static void clearColorArrayValues()
                 for (UInt16 i = 0; i < colors.Length; ++i)
                     colors[i] = (byte)0x80 | 0;
                     //Debug.Print("colors[i]=" + colors[i]);

             static void doPulseTransition(UInt32[] pulse_colors)

                 for (byte j = 0; j < pulse_colors.Length; j++)
                     for (byte i = 0; i < numLEDs; ++i)
                         setPixelColor(i, pulse_colors[j]); //j


                     //Send latch so can write.

                     //Thread.Sleep(5000 / numLEDs);

             //Algorithm: break each color down into RGB components, then decrement/increment each channel value until it matches the destination RGB value.
             static void doPulseTransition(UInt32 initial_color, UInt32 final_color, int refresh)

                 UInt32 a, b, i, tmp_color;

                 a = initial_color;

                 b = final_color;

                 byte[] initial_rgb = getRGBChannelsFromColor(initial_color);

                 byte[] final_rgb = getRGBChannelsFromColor(final_color);

                 for (i=0; i<numChannelsPerPixel; i++)
                     while (initial_rgb[i] != final_rgb[i])
                         if (initial_rgb[i] < final_rgb[i])
                         else if (initial_rgb[i] > final_rgb[i])
                         tmp_color = RgbToColor(initial_rgb[1], initial_rgb[0], initial_rgb[2]);

             static void setColor(UInt32 col)
                 for (byte i = 0; i < numLEDs; ++i)
                     setPixelColor(i, col);


             static void setColor(UInt32 col, int refreshInMS)
                 for (byte i = 0; i < numLEDs; ++i)
                     setPixelColor(i, col);


             static void initializeZeroArray()
                 for (byte j = 0; j < zeroes.Length; j++)
                     zeroes[j] = 0x00;

             static void reset()
                 for (byte j = 0; j < colors.Length; j++)
                     colors[j] = 0x00;

             static void clearALLLEDs()

             static UInt32 RgbToColor(byte r, byte g, byte b)
                 // Take the lowest 7 bits of each value and append them end to end
                 // We have the top bit set high (its a 'parity-like' bit in the protocol and must be set!
                 UInt32 color;
                 color = (UInt32)(g | 0x80);
                 color <<= 8;
                 color |= (UInt32)(r | 0x80);
                 color <<= 8;
                 color |= (UInt32)(b | 0x80);
                 return color;

             static void Refresh()
                 var ledLatchCount = numLEDs * 2;
                 for (var i = 0; i < ledLatchCount; i++)

                 //Need to wait a little after setting to allow values to go all the way down.
                 //TODO: consider adding a value to function that accepts how long to wait. If it is not specified, use a default value. 500-1000ms work. Try to find 30<x<500 such that change is
                 //not too quick

             static void Refresh(int waitInMS)
                 var ledLatchCount = numLEDs * 2;
                 for (var i = 0; i < ledLatchCount; i++)

                 //Need to wait a little after setting to allow values to go all the way down.
                 //TODO: consider adding a value to function that accepts how long to wait. If it is not specified, use a default value. 500-1000ms work. Try to find 30<x<500 such that change is
                 //not too quick

            public static void Main()
                numLEDs = 32;
                xSPIConfig = new SPI.Configuration(Cpu.Pin.GPIO_NONE, false, 0, 0, false, true, 20000, SPI.SPI_module.SPI1);

                 * public SPI.Configuration (
                     Pin ChipSelect_Port,
                     bool ChipSelect_ActiveState,
                     UInt16 ChipSelect_SetupTime,
                     UInt16 ChipSelect_HoldTime,
                     bool Clock_IdleState,
                     bool Clock_Edge,
                     UInt16 Clock_Rate,
                     SPI_module SPI_mod

                xspi = new SPI(xSPIConfig);
                zeroes = new byte[numChannelsPerPixel * ((numLEDs + 63) / 64)];
                colors = new byte[numChannelsPerPixel * numLEDs];

                //0x00FF0000=Green, 0x000000FF=Blue, 0x0000FF00=Red
                UInt32[] pulse_cols = { 0x000000FF, 0x0000FF00, 0x00FF0000 };

                Debug.Print("Zeroes length=" + zeroes.Length);



                while (true)
                    doPulseTransition(RgbToColor(0, 0, 255), RgbToColor(0, 255, 0),2);
                    doPulseTransition(RgbToColor(0, 255, 0),RgbToColor(255, 0, 0),2);

                    setColor(RgbToColor(255, 0, 0));

                    setColor(RgbToColor(0, 255, 0));

                    setColor(RgbToColor(0, 0, 255));



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