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Member Since 29 Jan 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 14 2011 01:31 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Code copy protection

09 July 2011 - 04:38 PM

Chris, Based on what you wrote above, are you saying that you can put a hook in the firmware, make it so that only your firmware loads to the device, and then write code that looks at the firmware hook and then loads (or operates) or not depending on finding the hook? Ed

In Topic: Travelling with Netduino?

08 July 2011 - 06:53 PM

FWIW, I carry a laptop, C-Pap machine (sleep apnea), many cords, boards, wire, etc. As long as you don't touch explosives and then handle your Netduino, you shouldn't have an issue. So don't bring the detonation version with you on the plane. Heh!

In Topic: Commerical Use

08 July 2011 - 06:50 PM

Ok. First sub-topic: The board itself. Do commercial use customers just buy the boards as needed or do they get them made. We are looking at by the hundred. Also, all of our applications will have ethernet involved so we are looking at the plus. We won't have USB available but will have power and LAN. I was hoping to ditch the power supply and use POE. Has anyone done this? Is it something Secret Labs can do as a mod for us? How costly is that mod? Second, the enclosure. I asked a while ago about this and I believe Chris replied about looking at Arduino enclosures. I don't believe they use the same exact footprint with the USB connector on the Netduino. As this will be a commercial device, hacking an enclosure isn't really going to work. Anyone have ideas? Again, for the small quantity, I don't want to spend the $$ to have a custom mold made for plastic. Thanks!

In Topic: Production units

31 January 2011 - 02:33 AM

Chris, So, if you wanted to use the plus board (as the ethernet will remain unaffected), what is your suggestion to get it made? Send boardmakers the schematic and let them have at it? Do you guys have a preferred list of vendors to have the boards made? Forgive my ignorance to the subject but my background has been on the software side w/ the hardware usually handled by others. Also, Is there any type of enclosure that you know of that anyone's had made for the native board? Thanks! Ed

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