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Member Since 13 Aug 2010
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27 August 2010 - 03:57 PM

Hey guys As planned, I finally got my quad flying, not as stable as I wish, but, near. Still have some algo to try! I'm now thinking of translating the Arduino code to the c# for the netduino to use the netduino power processing and I really need help for the receiver part. I do not really understand that volatile part since I've got it from AeroQuad forum. My project site here Can someone help me with that! mostly for that part of code #################################################################### #################################################################### volatile uint8_t *port_to_pcmask[] = { &PCMSK0, &PCMSK1, &PCMSK2 }; volatile static uint8_t PCintLast[3]; // Channel data typedef struct { byte edge; unsigned long riseTime; unsigned long fallTime; unsigned long lastGoodWidth; } pinTimingData; volatile static pinTimingData pinData[24]; // Attaches PCINT to Arduino Pin void attachPinChangeInterrupt(uint8_t pin) { uint8_t bit = digitalPinToBitMask(pin); uint8_t port = digitalPinToPort(pin); uint8_t slot; volatile uint8_t *pcmask; // map pin to PCIR register if (port == NOT_A_PORT) { return; } else { port -= 2; pcmask = port_to_pcmask[port]; } // set the mask *pcmask |= bit; // enable the interrupt PCICR |= 0x01 << port; } // ISR which records time of rising or falling edge of signal static void measurePulseWidthISR(uint8_t port) { uint8_t bit; uint8_t curr; uint8_t mask; uint8_t pin; uint32_t currentTime; uint32_t time; // get the pin states for the indicated port. curr = *portInputRegister(port+2); mask = curr ^ PCintLast[port]; PCintLast[port] = curr; // mask is pins that have changed. screen out non pcint pins. if ((mask &= *port_to_pcmask[port]) == 0) { return; } currentTime = micros(); // mask is pcint pins that have changed. for (uint8_t i=0; i < 8; i++) { bit = 0x01 << i; if (bit & mask) { pin = port * 8 + i; // for each pin changed, record time of change if (bit & PCintLast[port]) { time = currentTime - pinData[pin].fallTime; pinData[pin].riseTime = currentTime; if ((time >= MINOFFWIDTH) && (time <= MAXOFFWIDTH)) { pinData[pin].edge = RISING_EDGE; } else { pinData[pin].edge == FALLING_EDGE; // invalid rising edge detected } } else { time = currentTime - pinData[pin].riseTime; pinData[pin].fallTime = currentTime; if ((time >= MINONWIDTH) && (time <= MAXONWIDTH) && (pinData[pin].edge == RISING_EDGE)) { pinData[pin].lastGoodWidth = time; pinData[pin].edge = FALLING_EDGE; } } } } } SIGNAL(PCINT0_vect) { measurePulseWidthISR(0); } SIGNAL(PCINT1_vect) { measurePulseWidthISR(1); } SIGNAL(PCINT2_vect) { measurePulseWidthISR(2); } #################################################################### #################################################################### here is the complete code repository! I also need information how to use the I2C library and how to do some PWM. thank

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