trying to use the code with a regular Netduino. Getting "Failed to init SPI<->UART chip". Remember I had the WiFly bricked or mis-configured a few months ago. Is there a way to totally reset the WiFly or the chip, programmatically?
I am having this exact problem. I have tried changing the baud rate, but no luck. The only changes I made were,
if (m_deviceType == DeviceType.crystal_12_288_MHz) // value = (12.288*1024*1024) / (baudrate*16) WriteRegister(WiflyRegister.DLL, 83); // 4800=167, 9600=83, 19200=42, 38400=21 else // value = (14*1024*1024) / (baudrate*16) WriteRegister(WiflyRegister.DLL, 96); // 4800=191, 9600=96, 19200=48, 38400=24
webServer = new HttpWiflyImpl(processResponse, 80, HttpWiflyImpl.DeviceType.crystal_14_MHz, SPI.SPI_module.SPI1, Pins.GPIO_PIN_D10);to call into the implementation.
Do I need to change this line?
WriteRegister(WiflyRegister.LCR, 0x80); // 0x80 to program baudrate