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How to deal with XML in netduino plus 2 framework 4.2

XML Netduino Plus 2 NETMF 4.2

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#1 javadch


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Posted 23 August 2013 - 03:07 PM

I am trying to read from an XML file, which is stored on the SD card of a netduino plus 2, using NETFM 4.2. There is no compile time error but I get Not Supported Error on the call to XmlReader.Create(Stream) method!?


I am trying to do something similar to http://stackoverflow...xmlreader-fails but with 4.2 framework and plus 2 hardware.


Any help is welcome.



#2 Anthony Glenwright

Anthony Glenwright

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Posted 27 August 2013 - 05:53 AM

The netduino's don't have the XML runtimes, because they take a lot of memory.


I wrote a (fairly crappy) xml reader.  There are probably many things wrong with it, but it works for my purposes, maybe it will work for you.

namespace Data{	public class XmlReader	{		private string mstrInput;		private string mstrName;		private int mintCurrentPosition;		private System.Collections.Stack mobjStack = new System.Collections.Stack();		public XmlReader(string Input)		{			mstrInput = Input;			mintCurrentPosition = 0;		}		public bool Read()		{			// find the next <element> 			int intElementSpace = 0;			int intElementNameEnd = 0;			bool blnElementFound = false;			while (!(blnElementFound || mintCurrentPosition >= mstrInput.Length)) {				switch (mstrInput.Substring(mintCurrentPosition, 1)) {					case "<":						// element start (or end)						if (mstrInput.Substring(mintCurrentPosition, 2) == "</") {							// element end							mstrName = mobjStack.Peek().ToString();							if (mstrInput.Substring(mintCurrentPosition, mstrName.Length + 3) == "</" + mstrName + ">") {								// long-form element close, pop the current stack item								mobjStack.Pop();							}							mintCurrentPosition = mintCurrentPosition + (mstrName.Length + 3);						} else {							// element start							if (mstrInput.Substring(mintCurrentPosition, 2) == "<?") {								// xml or other declaration, skip								intElementNameEnd = mstrInput.Substring(mintCurrentPosition).IndexOf(">");								mintCurrentPosition = mintCurrentPosition + intElementNameEnd;							} else {								intElementNameEnd = mstrInput.Substring(mintCurrentPosition).IndexOf(">");								intElementSpace = mstrInput.Substring(mintCurrentPosition).IndexOf(" ");								if (intElementSpace > 0 && intElementSpace < intElementNameEnd) {									mstrName = mstrInput.Substring(mintCurrentPosition + 1, intElementSpace - 1);									mintCurrentPosition = mintCurrentPosition + intElementSpace + 1;								} else {									mstrName = mstrInput.Substring(mintCurrentPosition + 1, intElementNameEnd - 1);									mintCurrentPosition = mintCurrentPosition + intElementNameEnd + 1;								}								mobjStack.Push(mstrName);								blnElementFound = true;							}						}						break;					case "/":						// short-form element close						if (mstrInput.Substring(mintCurrentPosition, 2) == "/>") {							//  pop the current stack item							mobjStack.Pop();							mstrName = mobjStack.Peek().ToString();							mintCurrentPosition = mintCurrentPosition + 2;						} else {							mintCurrentPosition = mintCurrentPosition + 1;						}						break;					default:						mintCurrentPosition = mintCurrentPosition + 1;						break;				}			}			return !(mobjStack.Count == 0) & !(mintCurrentPosition >= mstrInput.Length);		}		public string Name {			get { return mstrName; }		}		public string GetAttribute(string Name)		{			string strDataLine = null;			int intElementEnd = 0;			string[] strAttributes = null;			string[] strSplit = null;			string strName = null;			string strValue = null;			intElementEnd = mstrInput.Substring(mintCurrentPosition).IndexOfAny(new char[] {				'>',				'<',				'/'			});			strDataLine = mstrInput.Substring(mintCurrentPosition, intElementEnd);			strAttributes = strDataLine.Split(' ');			foreach (string strAttribute in strAttributes) {				if (strAttribute != string.Empty) {					strSplit = strAttribute.Split('=');					if (strSplit.Length == 2) {						strName = strSplit[0];						strValue = strSplit[1];						strValue = XMLSerializer.Unescape(strValue.Substring(1, strValue.Length - 2));						if (strName == Name) {							return strValue;						}					}				}			}			return "";		}		public Collections.DictionaryEntry[] GetAttributes()		{			string strDataLine = null;			int intElementEnd = 0;			string[] strAttributes = null;			string[] strSplit = null;			string strName = null;			string strValue = null;			System.Collections.ArrayList objAttributes = new System.Collections.ArrayList();			intElementEnd = mstrInput.Substring(mintCurrentPosition).IndexOfAny(new char[] {				'>',				'<',				'/'			});			strDataLine = mstrInput.Substring(mintCurrentPosition, intElementEnd);			strAttributes = strDataLine.Split(' ');			foreach (string strAttribute in strAttributes) {				if (strAttribute != string.Empty) {					strSplit = strAttribute.Split('=');					if (strSplit.Length == 2) {						strName = strSplit[0];						strValue = strSplit[1];						// remove quotes						strValue = XMLSerializer.Unescape(strValue.Substring(1, strValue.Length - 2));						objAttributes.Add(new System.Collections.DictionaryEntry(strName, strValue));					}				}			}			return (Collections.DictionaryEntry[])objAttributes.ToArray(typeof(Collections.DictionaryEntry));		}	}}

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