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How to read data html with web server?

web server html

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#1 Archimede



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Posted 30 July 2013 - 09:46 AM

hi everyone, :) I have a web server that receives data from the browser. The web server sends html code to the browser (html code is a edit text and a button) ... My goal is to read the text written by the user. when the web server receives the data from the browser receives this request that is:

GET / localhost? User = foo HTTP/1.1 Accept: text / html, application / xhtml + xml, * / * ....... .....

In this example the user has written foo which is located in the user "variable" ... How can I filter only the text written by the user? I have used IndexOf() but it doesn't work fine... :wacko:

#2 Dave1374


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Posted 30 July 2013 - 11:05 AM

hi everyone, :) I have a web server that receives data from the browser. The web server sends html code to the browser (html code is a edit text and a button) ... My goal is to read the text written by the user. when the web server receives the data from the browser receives this request that is:

GET / localhost? User = foo HTTP/1.1 Accept: text / html, application / xhtml + xml, * / * ....... .....

In this example the user has written foo which is located in the user "variable" ... How can I filter only the text written by the user? I have used IndexOf() but it doesn't work fine... :wacko:


Let's try with substring and indeof


string requestAnswer = what You already do to get the data string...


int startIndex = requestAnswer.IndexOf("User =");

int endIndex = requestAnswer.IndexOf("HTTP/1.1");


string data = requestAnswer.Substring(startIndex , endIndex );


hope that helps, i have to leave, ill edit my post later

#3 Archimede



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Posted 30 July 2013 - 10:17 PM

thank you Dave1374, i have tryed the substring and indexOf() but the variable data contains "user textuser http/1.1"....i have used again indexOf() on data and work fine...but when i try to write the text, the server web works fine but after 5-6 tests doesn't work....Why?


Help me please Dave...


i post the code that i have used:


class Server : IDisposable


private Socket socket = null;


public Server()


//Initialize Socket class

socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);

//Request and bind to an IP from DHCP server

socket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 9050));



//Start listen for web requests





public void ListenForRequest()


while (true)


using (Socket clientSocket = socket.Accept())



//Get clients IP

IPEndPoint clientIP = clientSocket.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint;

EndPoint clientEndPoint = clientSocket.RemoteEndPoint;


int bytesReceived = clientSocket.Available;

if (bytesReceived > 0)


//code html

string response3 = "<!DOCTYPE html>";

response3 += "<html>";

response3 +="<head>";

response3 +="<title>Netduino Plus</title>";

response3 +="</head>";

response3 +="<body>";

response3 +="<h1>Netduino Plus 2</h1>";

response3 += "<form name="+"input"+" action="+"localhost"+" method="+"get"+">"

+" Username: <input type="+"text"+" name="+"user"+">"

+"<input type=submit value=send>"+


response3 +="</body>";

response3 +="</html>";


clientSocket.Send(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(response3), response3.Length, SocketFlags.None);


//Get request

byte[] buffer = new byte[bytesReceived];

int byteCount = clientSocket.Receive(buffer);

//string request = new string(Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(buffer));

string request = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer,0,byteCount);


int startIndex = request.IndexOf("user=");

int endIndex = request.IndexOf("HTTP/1.1");

string dati = request.Substring(startIndex,endIndex);




if (dati.IndexOf("archimede") != -1 )


Debug.Print("text contains your name");






if (dati.IndexOf("read") != -1 )

Debug.Print("user wants to read");




Debug.Print("text doesn't contain your name ");









#region IDisposable Members





public void Dispose()


if (socket != null)






#4 Dave1374


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Posted 31 July 2013 - 02:15 AM

but the variable data contains "user textuser http/1.1"....i have used again indexOf() on data and work fine...but when i try to write the text, the server web works fine but after 5-6 tests doesn't work....Why?


string request = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer,0,byteCount);


int startIndex = request.IndexOf("user=");

int endIndex = request.IndexOf("HTTP/1.1");

string dati = request.Substring(startIndex,endIndex);



add a lower case... if it's still not working, it's because the indexof doesnt match exactly the way the data is.


string request = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer,0,byteCount).ToLower();


int startIndex = request.IndexOf("user=");

int endIndex = request.IndexOf("http/1.1");

string dati = request.Substring(startIndex,endIndex);


also i dont see how the data contains "textuser" ...


btw I would change the name of the form


response3 += "<form name='netDuinoForm'  action='localhost' method='get'>"
+" Username: <input type='text' name='user'>"
+"<input type='submit' value='send'>"+
I dont have visual studio installed here so I can't test anything
also you might want to look into .Contains("wordToSearchInAString") , or you may want to look for regular expressions... but I think regex is a bit overkill.
if it doesn't work, send me the full exact data string,

#5 Archimede



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Posted 31 July 2013 - 02:13 PM

Hi Dave,

i tried to run the server but now i have the error...(i don't know the because...) is argumentOutOfRangeException... i think that startIndex and endIndex haven't the correct contents... it is how if the browser send different request each time that communicates with the server...Yesterday i had no this error...



thanks for your help... you are very polite  :)



P.S. how can i post the code how have you made with my request in your response?(sorry for my english...) 

#6 Archimede



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Posted 31 July 2013 - 02:46 PM

Hi Dave, i tried change the data in starIndex i have wrote "get" and the server now work fine..(mystery)...i have added also .ToLower() have made more tests and i haven't the errors... thank you very much... then in future if i will have errors i write in this post for your help... :)

New request : after this experience, i would like to read the radiobutton, for example the browser contains a default state the radio button and when the user change the state of the radio button the server receives this change... can you write an example code...?

#7 Graham.fry



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Posted 06 August 2013 - 11:44 AM


[font="calibri;"]In my request I have limited my response to 2 characters and my var indicator is light= this works every time[/font]

 //Get request
  byte[] buffer = new byte[bytesReceived];
  int byteCount = clientSocket.Receive(buffer, bytesReceived, SocketFlags.None);
  string request = new string(Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(buffer));

  //int countof = request.IndexOf("light="); //for my code
 int countof = request.IndexOf("user=");
  countof = countof + 6;
  //var s = request.Substring(countof, 2); //for my code


You may need to add the following and it may need some tweeking


 int noChatTotext = X //(this is the number of char to the end of user= it should constant)
 int lengthOfrequest = request.length(); //calculate the length of the hole request sent.
 int noCharToGet =  lengthOfrequest - noChatTotext; //the length of the text you want
 var s = request.Substring(countof, noCharToGet); //S will be the text you want

#8 NoxiaZ



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Posted 06 August 2013 - 12:01 PM

Hmm.. think this way is alittle bit better, and you can use it to all the fields :)

string request = "GET / localhost? User = foo HTTP/1.1";Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable();int indexQuestionMark = request.IndexOf("?");int httpLength = request.Length-request.LastIndexOf(" ") ;string data = request.Substring(indexQuestionMark +1,request.Length-indexQuestionMark-httpLength -1).Trim();string[] fields = data.Split('&');for(int i=0;i < fields.Length;i++){ string[] field = fields[i].Split('='); hashtable.Add(field[0].Trim(),field[1].Trim());}Console.WriteLine(hashtable["User"]);

Hope this help you a bit :)

#9 Archimede



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Posted 21 August 2013 - 07:22 AM

thank you boys for your answers, i will prove to use these code lines...


thank you very much :)

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