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error MMP0000: CLR_E_FAIL

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#1 JoopC


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Posted 17 June 2013 - 11:15 AM

I have a weird error.

 error MMP0000: CLR_E_FAIL on this code:


Dim aColors(,) As Boolean = {{False, True, True}, {True, False, True}}



This is normal Visual Basic syntax.






#2 ziggurat29


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Posted 17 June 2013 - 05:26 PM

I'm assuming that is a compile-time (not runtime) error?

When I get those at compile-time it is because the build step with the 'meta data processor' goes awry, and that can happen for many reasons -- for me usually too many static initializers, but other things cause it as well.

OK, so I'm not hip to, but in C# on .NetMF we cannot have multi-dimensional arrays.  We can have 'jagged' arrays.  The language supports multidimensional arrays, of course, but the runtime does not.  As a quicky, see if you can convert your array to a 'jagged' array, and if that makes things all better.

#3 hanzibal


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Posted 17 June 2013 - 06:04 PM

Of curiosity, a "jagged" array would be one like this in C# right? bool[][] bColors = new bool[]{ new bool[]{ false, true, true}, new bool[]{ true, false, true}};

#4 ziggurat29


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Posted 17 June 2013 - 06:44 PM

Of curiosity, a "jagged" array would be one like this in C# right?

bool[][] bColors = new bool[]{ new bool[]{ false, true, true}, new bool[]{ true, false, true}};


almost; rhs needs the [][]:

bool[][] bColors = new [color=#ff0000;]bool[][][/color]{ new bool[]{ false, true, true}, new bool[]{ true, false, true}};


but you get it.  actually I have to look up the syntax every time I do it.

Now since I had to reach for my dev studio, I went ahead and did try the multidimensional equivalent (in C#):

bool[,] bColors = new bool[,] { { false, true, true }, { true, false, true } };


and I do get a metatdataprocessor error

error MMP0000

so it will be interesting to hear from the OP if this helps in his case with the VB.


and again, that particular error seems to be generic -- I get it all the time from a variety of things.

#5 hanzibal


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Posted 17 June 2013 - 07:26 PM

Ah, yes that was a typo, I meant to write "[][]", sorry for messing it up. I use that construct quite a lot, just didn't know it is called a "jagged" array.

#6 JoopC


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Posted 20 June 2013 - 01:53 PM

I did forgot the NEW :



Dim aColors As Boolean(,) = New Boolean(,) {{False, True, True}, {True, False, True}, {True, True, False}, {False, False, True}, {False, True, False}, {True, False, False}}







I'm getting old :rolleyes:

#7 hanzibal


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Posted 20 June 2013 - 03:55 PM

So am I apparently :-) EDIT: Exchanged "are we" for "am I".

#8 ziggurat29


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Posted 21 June 2013 - 12:50 AM

hmm.  are you sure that will work on netmf?  you are right about the syntax itself for VB.  but making a netmf vb quicky just now:

Module Module1    Sub Main()	    REM write your code here	    REM this will not compile:	    Dim aColors As Boolean(,) = New Boolean(,) {		    {False, True, True},		    {True, False, True},		    {True, True, False},		    {False, False, True},		    {False, True, False},		    {True, False, False}	    }	    REM but this will:	    Dim aColors()() As Boolean = {		    New Boolean() {False, True, True},		    New Boolean() {True, False, True},		    New Boolean() {True, True, False},		    New Boolean() {False, False, True},		    New Boolean() {False, True, False},		    New Boolean() {True, False, False}	    }    End SubEnd Module

with the first part in, it fails, but with the second it's ok.  

I don't consider myself a VB programmer, but the multidimensional array limitation is a fundamental one to the netmf CLR, I believe, so it shouldn't have to do with language differences.

#9 JoopC


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Posted 21 June 2013 - 08:28 PM

Yes, on this case you are right and I am wrong. I thought that I had changed my program code but i had not.


There are some differences that are annoying for me like  SyncLock is not available in VB and bitshifting give's an weird error.


For SyncLock I use a workaround:


Static syncBool As Boolean

While syncBool


End While



  syncBool = True

'code here

Catch ex As Exception

End Try

syncBool = False

#10 Chris Walker

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Posted 22 June 2013 - 11:26 PM

Hmm, it's odd that SyncLock would be giving you an error.  SyncLock should just be using a Monitor behind the scenes. 


If you use Monitor.Enter() at the top of your section and Monitor.End() at the end (preferably wrapped in a Try...Finally block), does that work? Can you file a bug report on that at with a short repro?  I'll be happy to ping someone on the VB team as well. Chris  

#11 hanzibal


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Posted 23 June 2013 - 09:45 AM

Static syncBool As Boolean While syncBool   Thread.Sleep(5) End

That work around is bound to give you headaches since its not mutually exclusive between different threads. About SyncLock its important that the variable being "synclocked" is of reference type and that it has a value other than Nothing. I usually do something like this in a class implementation: Private _sync as new Object() . . . SyncLock _sync ' do stuff that require exclusive access End SyncLock Forgive me for any syntax errors, I always code C#. Does that not work for you?

#12 JoopC


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Posted 26 June 2013 - 01:30 PM

I did report this bug.




Posted Image


Edit: speak about the devil, last sunday i got a update for Visual Studio. Test the syncLock and it's working, now i can cont with my code. Test bit shifting too, but that was not fixed.

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