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433MHz / 2.4GHz communications with Netduino/Netduino Plus

netduino netduino plus 433Mhz 2.4GHz

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#1 indyfromoz


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 10:28 PM

Greetings Everyone,



I have been working with my Netduino & Netduino Plus for the last 18 months, built about half dozen projects with them. I have immensely benefited from the posts in this forum and the really generous community spirit of helping fellow hobbyists learn how to build things with the Netduino family of products. 


On the side, I occasionally dabble with Arduino and its variants, including the Arduino Pro Mini. I recently acquired a bunch of 433MHz Tx/Rx modules as well as 2.4GHz nRF24L01+ modules for connecting remote units to a central Arduino-based internet-connected master unit. So far, I have been successful in getting a remote unit talk to the master and upload the data to COSM (Here is feed -, the setup can be seen in the attached photo). 


I would like to use the Netduino Plus for receiving data with 433MHz / 2.4GHz and upload it to COSM or any other such service. I am struggling to find any resources on connecting the 433MHz / 2.4GHz modules with Netduino/Netduino Plus. I read about the slow clock speed in the Netduino/Netduino Plus being a problem with some sensor, however, I am not sure if this is an issue with the wireless module.


Has anyone tried to interface 433MHz / 2.4GHz modules with the Netduino/Netduino Plus? If yes, what is your experience and where did you start?


I understand XBee has been used by hobbyists with Netduino/Netduino Plus, however, I have been asked to keep the cost low for each remote unit and the master unit and would therefore prefer the 433MHz / 2.4GHz modules. 



Thank you for your attention.



#2 NooM


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 11:24 PM

the nRF24L01+ work very well, iam using them. on codeplex is a library for that device.

communication arduino <> netduino via the nrf i didnt got to work - i think its of the codebase, so its hard to find

out the right channel and addresses for each. theoretically it would work.


the 433 i suggest not to use, thats illegal in many countries, and there is also a lot of noise, and afaik

you have to filter the noise out yourself, while the nrf makes this for you.

#3 ShVerni


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Posted 04 March 2014 - 05:50 AM



I recently got some nRF24L01+ working between a Netduino and some Arduinos using the following libraries:


I had a lot of trouble until I realized that the CodePlex Netduino driver writes the Most Significant Byte first, when it should--or at least the Arduino library expects--the Least Significant Byte to be written first. A few quick hacks to reverse the byte order on things like the addresses and data being sent/received and everything seems to be working smoothly. So to anyone who wants to use these with the Arduino library, be sure to reverse the byte order.

#4 tvinko


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Posted 05 May 2014 - 11:51 AM


could you please show lines of code, needed to reverse byte order. Thanks

#5 ShVerni


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Posted 05 May 2014 - 06:16 PM

Sure thing! Just as an example for where the library sets the address:

public void Configure(byte[] address, byte channel)
            //Least significant byte first!
            byte[] buffer = new byte[address.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < address.Length; i++)
                buffer[i] = address[address.Length - (i + 1)];
            buffer.CopyTo(address, 0);


That's just a snippet from the library, and it's not the most efficient solution, just a quick and dirty one. You'll need to use the buffer and for loop every place the code uses an address or sends data.
I've attached a version of the file from the library I modified to do that, as well as modifying it to be able to send data from an interrupt.

Attached Files

#6 tvinko


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Posted 05 May 2014 - 06:42 PM

Thanks! You save me a lot of time!


PS, this might work as well:

 if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)

#7 tvinko


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Posted 06 May 2014 - 07:35 PM

Still no luck :(

Could you please also attach arduino code?



#8 ShVerni


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Posted 06 May 2014 - 10:04 PM

Thanks! You save me a lot of time!

PS, this might work as well:

 if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)

You're welcome, but I don't think Array.Reverse is part of the .NETMF, at least not 4.2:


I've attached the code for both the Arduino and Netduino I used to communicate. The Arduino code has two buttons that send a 1 or a 2 respectively, and the Netduino will print the number that is received. This was originally for a doorbell project, so they're labeled button and bell.

Two things to point out: I've installed the doorbell so I can't test this code again right now. More importantly, I couldn't get this to work with a Netduino Plus 1, I could only get a Netduino 2 or Netduino Plus 2 to work (I didn't try a Netduino 1). For whatever reason, the Netduino Plus 1 wouldn't communicate, it wouldn't even acknowledge receiving any signal. As I needed to get this project finished under a bit of a time crunch, I didn't investigate it very much.

Hope that helps!

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#9 tvinko


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Posted 06 May 2014 - 10:12 PM


Yes, you're right. I remember that I use once Array.Reverse, but it's obviously part of .NET framework

If I get some results i'll post it back

#10 tvinko


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Posted 07 May 2014 - 04:35 AM

It works  :D


Thanks again for attachments

#11 ShVerni


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Posted 07 May 2014 - 02:56 PM

My pleasure, I'm glad it worked!

#12 SirPoonga


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Posted 12 May 2014 - 08:47 PM

What 433mhz modules?  Low powered ones like SparkFun sells?


There is a limit to unlicensed use for the 70cm band.  This doc sums it up



Basically, it has to be under 1 milliwatt and periodic use or something like that.  Also the device has to have an FCC Part 15 sticker on it.  If it doesn't then it didn't pass FCC inspection.  Anything above you need to have a ham license.  Just to note, it is easy to get a technician level ham license.  It's a $15 test.  Find a local club that does classes.


433 is getting more popular.  433 is used in r/c aircraft for long distance control and telemetry.  With the recent popularity in multirotors you are seeing more and more people get 433 equipment without realizing that they may need a license for it.


433 is also an ISM band in Europe and Africa - so definitely stay away from that if you are in that region.

#13 Homey


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Posted 14 October 2014 - 02:10 PM

Im looking at this RF module to communicate data between 2 netduinos wirelessly.  Has anyone done that and if so do you have any example code for the Transmitter / Receiver (1 ND+2 transmits data to a second ND+2 receiving).


Many thanks in advance



#14 Homey


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Posted 20 October 2014 - 06:19 PM



Im trying to get this module working on ND+2.  Can you post your example c# code for the "button" (aka the transmitter)?


thanks in advance!



#15 ShVerni


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Posted 21 October 2014 - 01:15 AM

Hi Homey,
I actually used an Arduino for the bell part, but it shouldn't be too hard to use the modified driver I posted above to transmit with the Netduino. Below is an example for how this could be done, but note that I haven't actually tested this code:

using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;
using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware;
using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.NetduinoPlus;
using Gralin.NETMF.Nordic;

namespace Transmitter
    public class Program
        private static NRF24L01Plus _module = new NRF24L01Plus();
        private static byte[] _transmitterAddress = new byte[] { 0xF5, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0xF2 };
        private static byte[] _receiverAddress = new byte[] { 0xF5, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0xF4 };
        private static InterruptPort _button = new InterruptPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D0, true, Port.ResistorMode.PullUp, Port.InterruptMode.InterruptEdgeLow);
        public static void Main()
            _module.Initialize(SPI_Devices.SPI1, Pins.GPIO_PIN_D10, Pins.GPIO_PIN_D9, Pins.GPIO_PIN_D8);
            _module.Configure(_transmitterAddress, 76);
            _module.Execute(Commands.W_REGISTER, Registers.RF_SETUP, new byte[] { (byte)(1 << Bits.RF_DR_LOW | 3 << Bits.RF_PWR) });
            _button.OnInterrupt += _button_OnInterrupt;

        private static void _button_OnInterrupt(uint data1, uint data2, DateTime time)
            byte[] data = new byte[] { 0xF, 0x05 };
            _module.SendTo(_receiverAddress, data);

Note that I've configured this radio to use the highest transmitting power and slowest data-rate to maximize range, but you may want to change this.


I hope this helps, and good luck!

#16 Homey


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Posted 21 October 2014 - 02:52 AM

Many thanks!  Ill give it a try.


Im new to this radio, can you also show me how to configure the radios for different powers / transfer rates?  In my application I want to send only very short range (less than 20 feet) but at high data rate.  Im guessing its in the _module.execute line? 




#17 ShVerni


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Posted 21 October 2014 - 04:20 AM

Hi Homey,
You're right about the execute line: it's executing a register write command on the RF_SETUP register using some predefined values from the Bits enum. I should point out that even the slowest data-rate is 250Kbps. Reading the data sheet is, as always, super useful, but if you want to use the default settings (data-rate 1Mbps) you can just omit that line.
Best of luck!

#18 Homey


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Posted 21 October 2014 - 10:30 AM

Thanks again ill give it a try.   I was wading through the driver on above when I found your project which seemed much simpler to implement without all the roles classes.  We are looking at a number of different radios that are small for our work and came across this forum!  awesome!



#19 Homey


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 05:35 PM

I got it all working but im unable to get every message from the transmitter.  It seems to only receive every other message (I have a counter byte in the message).  I found this to be true with the library on codeplex also using the "simplesendreceivetest" provided.  My message is very small (1 byte!) and I am trying to send one every 20 ms.  Any ideas where to start looking?
I dumped my register setup as follows:
Radio Config and Status Summary
RF_CH: 76

Radio SETUP_AW Information
ADDRESS WIDTH (bytes): 5

Radio SETUP_RETR Information

Radio CONFIG Information
Mask interrupt caused by RX_DR (MASK_RX_DR): True
Mask interrupt caused by TX_DS (MASK_TX_DS): True
Mask interrupt caused by MAX_RT (MASK_MAX_RT): True
Enable CRC if Auto ACK is on (EN_CRC): False
CRC encoding scheme (CRCO): 2 Bytes
In Power Up Mode (PWR_UP): True
Current Mode (PRIM_RX): RX
CE PIN State (True = Rx Mode, False = Tx Mode): True

Radio EN_AA (E-Shockburst) Information
Enable auto acknowledgement data pipe 5 (ENAA_P5): False
Enable auto acknowledgement data pipe 4 (ENAA_P4): False
Enable auto acknowledgement data pipe 3 (ENAA_P3): False
Enable auto acknowledgement data pipe 2 (ENAA_P2): False
Enable auto acknowledgement data pipe 1 (ENAA_P1): False
Enable auto acknowledgement data pipe 0 (ENAA_P0): False

Radio EN_RXADDR (Enabled RX Addresses) Information
Enable data pipe 5 (ERX_P5): False
Enable data pipe 4 (ERX_P4): False
Enable data pipe 3 (ERX_P3): False
Enable data pipe 2 (ERX_P2): False
Enable data pipe 1 (ERX_P1): True
Enable data pipe 0 (ERX_P0): True

Radio RF_SETUP Information
RF_DR_LOW (250 kbps): True
RF_PWR: -18 dBm

Radio STATUS Information
RX_DR (Data Ready in Rx FIFO): False
TX_DS (Data Sent in Tx FIFO): False

The ND+2 transmitter is sending

Writing: 1 00
Writing: 2 01
Writing: 3 02
Writing: 4 03
Writing: 5 04

ND+2 Receiver is getting

Reading: 1 00
Reading: 2 02
Reading: 3 04

Thanks again for all the help! I even slowed the transmitting down to 1/second with same result and the two units are close to each other (basically on my desk about 3 feet apart).
I guess one other question if im able to get this pair to work.  I ultimately want to broadcast a message from a transmitter to multiple receivers.  Does this unit support a broadcast address (I didn't see it in the data sheet) or is it as simple as setting all the receiver to the same address.?

#20 ShVerni


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Posted 23 October 2014 - 10:59 PM

Hi Homey,


First, I don't think he radio supports a broadcast address, but I could be wrong, you'd have to check the data-sheet.


As for your other issues, it's hard to say offhand what the problem is. I know that the CodePlex driver is interrupt driven, and I've often had problems with interrupts getting backed up in a queue or lost, especially if there are several sources of interrupts. If you can, you might want to try modifying the driver to poll the radio at an interval fast enough to receive your messages. If a message is sent to the radio, but there's already a message in the receive buffer, you'd probably lose one of those messages, which might happen if an interrupt isn't firing properly.


As a workaround, if it's reliably missing every other message, you could send a clearing message, a 0x00 or something, after each of your real messages. It's not an elegant solution, but hey, if it works, good enough.


Good luck!

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: netduino, netduino plus, 433Mhz, 2.4GHz

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