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One Wire on Netduino Plus 2

One Wire

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#1 AndyLev


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Posted 21 January 2013 - 04:36 PM




Can anyone give me an example how i could use a DS18B20 Temp. Sensor. on Plus2.

I read some examples like CW2's, but i can't use it on the Plus2.


Greetz from cologne

#2 hanst


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Posted 21 January 2013 - 10:51 PM

I use this code



private static float ReadTemperature(OneWire ow)   {   ushort temperature;   if (ow.TouchReset() > 0)   {   ow.WriteByte(0xCC); // Skip ROM, we only have one device   ow.WriteByte(0x44); // Start temperature conversion   while (ow.ReadByte() == 0) ; // wait while busy   ow.TouchReset();   ow.WriteByte(0xCC); // skip ROM   ow.WriteByte(0xBE); // Read Scratchpad   temperature = (byte)ow.ReadByte(); // LSB   temperature |= (ushort)(ow.ReadByte() << 8); // MSB   var tmp = (Int16)temperature / 16.0;   return (float)tmp;   }   else   {   Debug.Print("Device is not detected.");   return 0;   }   }

#3 Larsey


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Posted 27 February 2013 - 06:11 PM

I've just got my Netduino 2 in the mail. Ordered this sensor a while back. I dont have this feature? Visual studio 2010 is failing to recognize the OneWire class. Usually its quite helpfull in resolving the using statement :-/

#4 Jakkes


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Posted 27 February 2013 - 09:54 PM

With the code below i'll read the temperature from 2 sensors. After starting up the program will display the addresses from all connected sensors. The addresses are needed to read the sensors one by one (add sensor address in beginning of the code). After that the program will display the temperature every 10 seconds.



using System;using System.Net;using System.Net.Sockets;using System.Threading;using Microsoft.SPOT;using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware;using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.Netduino;namespace ReadOneWire{    public class Program    {        static OutputPort port = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D0, false);        static OneWire oneWire = new OneWire(port);        static string DS18s20 = "";        static byte[] owSensor1 = new byte[8] { 40, 32, 55, 148, 4, 0, 0, 12 }; //sensor 1 inside building        static byte[] owSensor2 = new byte[8] { 40, 188, 93, 148, 4, 0, 0, 108 }; //sensor 2 outside building        static float owSensor1Temp = -99;        static float owSensor2Temp = -99;        static DateTime tempReadingTimestamp = DateTime.Now;        const int SKIP_ROM = 0xCC;        const int READ_SCRATCHPAD = 0xBE;        const int CONVERT_T = 0x44;        const int MATCH_ROM = 0x55;        public static void Main()         {           Array listOneWire = oneWire.FindAllDevices().ToArray();            foreach(byte[] owAddress in listOneWire)            {                DS18s20 ="";                foreach (byte b in owAddress)                 {                    DS18s20 = DS18s20 + b + " ";                 }                Debug.Print("The serial number is: "+ DS18s20);            }           //thread to read temps every 10 seconds           Thread readTempsThread = new Thread(ReadTemps_Delegate);           readTempsThread.Start();           //loop           while (true)           {               //stay alive           }                    }             private static void ReadTemps_Delegate()            {               Timer readTempsTimer = new Timer(new TimerCallback(ReadTemps_Tick), null, 0, 10000);            }           private static void ReadTemps_Tick(Object obj)            {               tempReadingTimestamp = DateTime.Now;               owSensor1Temp = GetOneWireTempByByteArray(owSensor1) / 16;   //convert temp to C               owSensor2Temp = GetOneWireTempByByteArray(owSensor2) / 16;   //convert temp to C                              string debugString = tempReadingTimestamp.ToString();               debugString += " Temp Inside: " + owSensor1Temp.ToString("N1");               debugString += " Temp Outside: " + owSensor2Temp.ToString("N1");               Debug.Print(debugString);            }           static float GetOneWireTempByByteArray(byte[] sensor)            {                ushort temperature;                oneWire.TouchReset(); //reset                oneWire.TouchByte(MATCH_ROM); //match rom                foreach (byte b in sensor) //send the whole byte array                 {                     oneWire.TouchByte(b);                 }                oneWire.TouchByte(CONVERT_T); //start temp conversion                while (oneWire.ReadByte() == 0) ; //wait while busy                oneWire.TouchReset(); //reset                oneWire.TouchByte(MATCH_ROM); //match rom                foreach (byte b in sensor) //send the whole byte array                 {                     oneWire.TouchByte(b);                 }                oneWire.TouchByte(READ_SCRATCHPAD);                 //read scratchpad                temperature = (byte) oneWire.ReadByte();                   //LSB                temperature |= (ushort)(oneWire.ReadByte() << 8);   //MSB                return (float) (temperature);            }        }    }



#5 Chris Walker

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Posted 28 February 2013 - 05:12 AM

Hi Larsey,

I've just got my Netduino 2 in the mail. Ordered this sensor a while back. I dont have this feature? Visual studio 2010 is failing to recognize the OneWire class. Usually its quite helpfull in resolving the using statement :-/

Did you add the Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.OneWire.dll assembly as a reference to your project? .NET Micro Framework breaks out a number of classes into their own that you can include the features you need and maximize the amount of flash storage available for your code. Chris

#6 Jack Chidley

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Posted 16 March 2013 - 04:07 PM

Worked for me too.  On Plus 2, .net Framework 4.3.  Great stuff.

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