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Netduino Plus 2, SPI not working, .NET Toolbox,

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#1 stotech


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Posted 17 December 2012 - 09:04 AM

I have a similar problem with my N+2. I have a custom shield with a lot on it including 2 hc595's and 2 hc165 IC's. just the same as in stefan's original bit shift shizzel. (totally love the toolbox he made, Thanks again) I've been running in a bread board with my N+1 till my first prototypes turned up same day as my N+2. YEA!!.........Noooooooo!!!. I installed the latest SDK, and latest firmware. opened a new N+2 project and bassicly copied the code over except the using statements of course. Made reference to the latest version off the micro toolbox and thought it would work. But allas no luck. I thought i'd poured a small fortune down the drain with the boards. but to my amazment. the good old N+1 went strait from the bread board and worked on the new PCB. Yea. However, i've had zero luck getting it work with the SPI my N+2. sort of. it seams the first chips in the chains work but not the second. and guess what. they just blink and dance around a bit. I'm not sure where the problem lies. Just hope i can save these super shields. Below is a copy of each of the Codes. It's a bit embassing but I'm still at proof of concept. And if any one can help me clean it up a little I'd really apreciate it. They are the same except for the top of each, where creating a new N+2 Application, it added more default "using" statements. code on N+1 -  
using System;using System.Threading;using Microsoft.SPOT;using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware;using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.Netduino;using Toolbox.NETMF.Hardware;namespace Multiplexing_Test{    public class Program    {        public static OutputPort onBoardLed = new OutputPort(Pins.ONBOARD_LED, false);        public static OutputPort resetchain = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D4, true);        public static IIRQPort[] Buttons = new IIRQPort[8];        public static IGPOPort[] Led = new IGPOPort[16];        public static IGPOPort[] LCD = new IGPOPort[8];        public static IGPOPort Pin;        public static AnalogInput pot1 = new AnalogInput(AnalogChannels.ANALOG_PIN_A5);        public static int pot1Value = 0;        public static IGPOPort backlight;        public static void Main()        {            Ic74hc595 OutChain = new Ic74hc595(SPI_Devices.SPI1, Pins.GPIO_PIN_D7, 2);            Ic74hc165 InChain = new Ic74hc165(SPI_Devices.SPI1, Pins.GPIO_PIN_D8, 2);            LCD[1] = OutChain.Pins[2];            LCD[3] = OutChain.Pins[0];            LCD[4] = OutChain.Pins[3];            LCD[5] = OutChain.Pins[4];            LCD[6] = OutChain.Pins[5];            LCD[7] = OutChain.Pins[6];            backlight = OutChain.Pins[7];            resetchain.Write(false);            backlight.Write(true);            Hd44780Lcd Display = new Hd44780Lcd(            Data4: LCD[4],            Data5: LCD[5],            Data6: LCD[6],            Data7: LCD[7],            ClockEnablePin: LCD[1],            RegisterSelectPin: LCD[3]            );            Led[0] = OutChain.Pins[15];            Led[1] = OutChain.Pins[8];            Led[2] = OutChain.Pins[9];            Led[3] = OutChain.Pins[10];            Led[4] = OutChain.Pins[11];            Led[5] = OutChain.Pins[12];            Led[6] = OutChain.Pins[13];            Led[7] = OutChain.Pins[14];            InChain.EnableInterrupts();            Buttons[0] = InChain.Pins[0];            Buttons[0].OnStateChange += new StateChange(Program_OnStateChange);            Buttons[1] = InChain.Pins[1];            Buttons[1].OnStateChange += new StateChange(Program_OnStateChange2);            int x = 0;            while (x < 5)            {                onBoardLed.Write(true);                Thread.Sleep(200);                onBoardLed.Write(false);                Thread.Sleep(200);                x++;            }            Thread.Sleep(5000);            Display.ClearDisplay();            Display.Write("Hello World!");            Thread.Sleep(2000);            Display.ChangePosition(1, 0);            Thread.Sleep(500);            Display.Write("Greetings!");            InterruptPort button3 = new InterruptPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D3, false, Port.ResistorMode.PullUp, Port.InterruptMode.InterruptEdgeHigh);            button3.OnInterrupt += new NativeEventHandler(button3_OnInterrupt);            Thread.Sleep(Timeout.Infinite);        }        static void Program_OnStateChange(IIRQPort Object, bool State, DateTime Time)        {            if (State == true)            {                int y = 400;                while (y > 1)                {                    int x = 0;                    onBoardLed.Write(true);                    while (x < 8)                    {                        Led[x].Write(true);                        Thread.Sleep(y);                        Led[x].Write(false);                        x++;                    }                    x = 0;                    y -= 25;                }            }            if (State == false)            {                onBoardLed.Write(false);                Led[0].Write(false);                Led[1].Write(false);                Led[2].Write(false);                Led[3].Write(false);                Led[4].Write(false);                Led[5].Write(false);                Led[6].Write(false);                Led[7].Write(false);            }        }        static void Program_OnStateChange2(IIRQPort Object, bool State, DateTime Time)        {            if (State == true)            {                int y = 1;                while (y < 100)                {                    int x = 0;                    onBoardLed.Write(true);                    while (x < 8)                    {                        Led[x].Write(true);                        Thread.Sleep(y);                        Led[x].Write(false);                        x++;                    }                    x = 0;                    y += 10;                }            }            if (State == false)            {                onBoardLed.Write(false);                Led[0].Write(false);                Led[1].Write(false);                Led[2].Write(false);                Led[3].Write(false);                Led[4].Write(false);                Led[5].Write(false);                Led[6].Write(false);                Led[7].Write(false);            }        }        static void button3_OnInterrupt(uint data1, uint data2, DateTime time)        {            pot1Value = ((int)pot1.ReadRaw() - 1024) * -1;            int x = 0;            while (x < 5)            {                onBoardLed.Write(true);                Thread.Sleep(200);                onBoardLed.Write(false);                Thread.Sleep(200);                x++;            }            Hd44780Lcd Display = new Hd44780Lcd(            Data4: LCD[4],            Data5: LCD[5],            Data6: LCD[6],            Data7: LCD[7],            ClockEnablePin: LCD[1],            RegisterSelectPin: LCD[3]            );            Display.ClearDisplay();            Display.Write("You Pushed My Button Baby, YEAH!" + pot1Value.ToString());        }    }}
Code on N+2 -  
using System;using System.Net;using System.Net.Sockets;using System.Threading;using Microsoft.SPOT;using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware;using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.Netduino;using Toolbox.NETMF.Hardware;namespace Multiplexing_Test{    public class Program    {        public static OutputPort onBoardLed = new OutputPort(Pins.ONBOARD_LED, false);        public static OutputPort resetchain = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D4, true);        public static IIRQPort[] Buttons = new IIRQPort[8];        public static IGPOPort[] Led = new IGPOPort[16];        public static IGPOPort[] LCD = new IGPOPort[8];        public static IGPOPort Pin;        public static AnalogInput pot1 = new AnalogInput(AnalogChannels.ANALOG_PIN_A5);        public static int pot1Value = 0;        public static IGPOPort backlight;        public static void Main()        {            Ic74hc595 OutChain = new Ic74hc595(SPI_Devices.SPI1, Pins.GPIO_PIN_D7, 2);            Ic74hc165 InChain = new Ic74hc165(SPI_Devices.SPI1, Pins.GPIO_PIN_D8, 2);            LCD[1] = OutChain.Pins[2];            LCD[3] = OutChain.Pins[0];            LCD[4] = OutChain.Pins[3];            LCD[5] = OutChain.Pins[4];            LCD[6] = OutChain.Pins[5];            LCD[7] = OutChain.Pins[6];            backlight = OutChain.Pins[7];            resetchain.Write(false);            backlight.Write(true);            Hd44780Lcd Display = new Hd44780Lcd(            Data4: LCD[4],            Data5: LCD[5],            Data6: LCD[6],            Data7: LCD[7],            ClockEnablePin: LCD[1],            RegisterSelectPin: LCD[3]            );            Led[0] = OutChain.Pins[15];            Led[1] = OutChain.Pins[8];            Led[2] = OutChain.Pins[9];            Led[3] = OutChain.Pins[10];            Led[4] = OutChain.Pins[11];            Led[5] = OutChain.Pins[12];            Led[6] = OutChain.Pins[13];            Led[7] = OutChain.Pins[14];            InChain.EnableInterrupts();            Buttons[0] = InChain.Pins[0];            Buttons[0].OnStateChange += new StateChange(Program_OnStateChange);            Buttons[1] = InChain.Pins[1];            Buttons[1].OnStateChange += new StateChange(Program_OnStateChange2);            int x = 0;            while (x < 5)            {                onBoardLed.Write(true);                Thread.Sleep(200);                onBoardLed.Write(false);                Thread.Sleep(200);                x++;            }            Thread.Sleep(5000);            Display.ClearDisplay();            Display.Write("Hello World!");            Thread.Sleep(2000);            Display.ChangePosition(1, 0);            Thread.Sleep(500);            Display.Write("Greetings!");            InterruptPort button3 = new InterruptPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D3, false, Port.ResistorMode.PullUp, Port.InterruptMode.InterruptEdgeHigh);            button3.OnInterrupt += new NativeEventHandler(button3_OnInterrupt);            Thread.Sleep(Timeout.Infinite);        }        static void Program_OnStateChange(IIRQPort Object, bool State, DateTime Time)        {            if (State == true)            {                int y = 400;                while (y > 1)                {                    int x = 0;                    onBoardLed.Write(true);                    while (x < 8)                    {                        Led[x].Write(true);                        Thread.Sleep(y);                        Led[x].Write(false);                        x++;                    }                    x = 0;                    y -= 25;                }            }            if (State == false)            {                onBoardLed.Write(false);                Led[0].Write(false);                Led[1].Write(false);                Led[2].Write(false);                Led[3].Write(false);                Led[4].Write(false);                Led[5].Write(false);                Led[6].Write(false);                Led[7].Write(false);            }        }        static void Program_OnStateChange2(IIRQPort Object, bool State, DateTime Time)        {            if (State == true)            {                int y = 1;                while (y < 100)                {                    int x = 0;                    onBoardLed.Write(true);                    while (x < 8)                    {                        Led[x].Write(true);                        Thread.Sleep(y);                        Led[x].Write(false);                        x++;                    }                    x = 0;                    y += 10;                }            }            if (State == false)            {                onBoardLed.Write(false);                Led[0].Write(false);                Led[1].Write(false);                Led[2].Write(false);                Led[3].Write(false);                Led[4].Write(false);                Led[5].Write(false);                Led[6].Write(false);                Led[7].Write(false);            }        }        static void button3_OnInterrupt(uint data1, uint data2, DateTime time)        {            pot1Value = ((int)pot1.ReadRaw() - 1024) * -1;            int x = 0;            while (x < 5)            {                onBoardLed.Write(true);                Thread.Sleep(200);                onBoardLed.Write(false);                Thread.Sleep(200);                x++;            }            Hd44780Lcd Display = new Hd44780Lcd(            Data4: LCD[4],            Data5: LCD[5],            Data6: LCD[6],            Data7: LCD[7],            ClockEnablePin: LCD[1],            RegisterSelectPin: LCD[3]            );            Display.ClearDisplay();            Display.Write("You Pushed My Button Baby, YEAH!" + pot1Value.ToString());        }    }}
As allways I can't thank you guys enough. (BTW,, have done a pretty good job from what i can tell, and were really good to deal with. I didn't do much shopping for price because i was in a hurry, but i think it was reasonable for a 5 day turn around)

#2 Stefan



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Posted 17 December 2012 - 09:08 AM

Interesting, I've used it last weekend, without problems. I only didn't included the 165 during that test. if you leave out the 165s, does it work then?
"Fact that I'm a moderator doesn't make me an expert in things." Stefan, the eternal newb!
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#3 stotech


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Posted 17 December 2012 - 01:10 PM

Thanks for the reply. just figured something else out as well. the pins are held low on bootup. the opposite to netduino plus 1. is it surposed to be like this for the new standard? If so. my shields are pretty worthless. I only ran 10 instead of 100. still expensive though. or maybe my n+2 is funky. I was using D4 to hold pins 13 high on the 575's on boot. this disabled the outputs so all the channels weren't held high on boot. Thanks

#4 Stefan



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Posted 17 December 2012 - 01:26 PM

It's beyond my area of expertise, but I believe pin D4 was actually bugged on the NP1, maybe it's related somehow. Are you building a shield for commercial purpose? If so, what should I do to get one? Would love to help you out on that, software-wise ;)
"Fact that I'm a moderator doesn't make me an expert in things." Stefan, the eternal newb!
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#5 stotech


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Posted 17 December 2012 - 02:16 PM

i took the 165's out of the code. but i didn't phisicly unsolder them. that's a bit painfull for 1am. It didn't fix it though. I'm going to try and go back to bed for the second time and sleep. I'll post a video of the delema tomorrow. i'm sure i can fix the pin problem with a pull up. just hoping i can make it forward/back compatible. Stefan, If you wan't one of the boards and you love soldering, I can send you one for christmas(free). but it would be mostly naked of chips and stuff. i don't have much stock at the moment to spare but i'd send what i could. if you can wait till later in production i can send one then finished off. or both if you wan't. Just PM me your address. Grant.

#6 Stefan



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Posted 17 December 2012 - 07:40 PM

Darn, Grant, you're right; with 2 165's and 2 595's it seems bugged on the np2. I'm going to make sure this repro will reach Secret Labs :)
"Fact that I'm a moderator doesn't make me an expert in things." Stefan, the eternal newb!
My .NETMF projects: .NETMF Toolbox / Gadgeteer Light / Some PCB designs

#7 stotech


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Posted 17 December 2012 - 11:45 PM

Thanks, So much. I've been crawling through the forums looking for answers and have found similar problems with spi but not the same. I'm going to start referring people here that might be similar. Maybe we're onto something bigger....

#8 Chris Walker

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Posted 17 December 2012 - 11:55 PM

Grant--the STM32 starts up with pins in high-z mode (input, no pull-up). The Atmel chips generally boot with pull-ups enabled. Stefan--just got your repro. Thank you! Chris

#9 stotech


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Posted 18 December 2012 - 02:32 AM

Wow!!! Stefan and Chris looking into a problem for me. All we need is Mario to chime in and it would be like the three musketeer's. Seriously! I feel like, special or powerful, or something. Don't feel to much pressure though. It is that time of year. You wont get an angry post out of me. I'm so grateful for the knowledge you guys openly share. I can keep developing software on my N+1 for now until it's resolved or worked around. Merry Christmas Everyone. In case you've all been stuck in your projects like me and forgotten.

#10 RideTheWave


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Posted 27 December 2012 - 07:10 AM

I've been going crazy trying to drive a 8x8 RGB LED matrix for a week using some 75HC595's and I'm guessing it's due to an SPI bug.  Fortunately I got a logic analyzer for Chrismas and can see that the data I'm writing out to SPI gets hosed.  Here I'm tring to write out values, 1, 2, 3 but the logic analyzer is only seeing 3, 2, 3 as shown in my attachment.  Any chance this could get fixed in the next firmware?


Posted Image



#11 Chris Walker

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Posted 27 December 2012 - 07:45 AM

Hi RideTheWave,


The next firmware update for Netduino Plus 2 will contain SPI enhancements.  The SPI_SS is getting asserted too late under this configuration setting.


Could you post a snippet of your code which is experiencing this behavior, so we can double-check it against the updated code?



#12 Mario Vernari

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Posted 27 December 2012 - 09:16 AM

I've been going crazy trying to drive a 8x8 RGB LED matrix for a week using some 75HC595's and I'm guessing it's due to an SPI bug.  Fortunately I got a logic analyzer for Chrismas and can see that the data I'm writing out to SPI gets hosed.  Here I'm tring to write out values, 1, 2, 3 but the logic analyzer is only seeing 3, 2, 3 as shown in my attachment.  Any chance this could get fixed in the next firmware?


Posted Image


This is a typical case where a logic analyzer does not help at all, but an oscilloscope does.

The SPI is not buggy: I tested two different small programs right now, and one is the above program. The CS timings are correct, as the SCK and the MOSI signals are.

Instead, the problem is related to the different design choice about the I/Os in the ST: this has been already described by Chris, few posts above. While Atmel (old Netduino) chose for ensuring a pull-up, ST chose for leave an input floating. This time I prefer the Atmel engineers choice, other the Italian-ST solution.


However, leaving an I/O floating leads to an unpredictable behavior when that I/O is connected to an HCMOS input. Let's say that while the Atmel guys offered an internal pull-up, ST team tells that you must provide your own pull-whatever...okay, just viewpoints: it's much like guessing the gender of the angels.

The logic analyzer does not understand half-a-way levels, and shows only boolean states. Since the actual voltage is raising/falling smoothly, the LA (as the chips) reads it as a "delay", but it is not related to any bug.


How to solve it?

The simplest yet best way to solve the problem is...adding a pull-up to *any* I/O that might turn to a floating state. I'd place a 5-10k resistor to +5V (or +3.3V) to SCK, MOSI, MISO, and any CS. That's for HC595 chips.

Note that there's NO a general rule for choosing between a pull-up or a pull-down: it depends on the external logic, and to the desired behavior.


Hope it helps.


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#13 KodeDaemon


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Posted 27 December 2012 - 06:18 PM

This is a typical case where a logic analyzer does not help at all, but an oscilloscope does.

The SPI is not buggy: I tested two different small programs right now, and one is the above program. The CS timings are correct, as the SCK and the MOSI signals are.

Instead, the problem is related to the different design choice about the I/Os in the ST: this has been already described by Chris, few posts above. While Atmel (old Netduino) chose for ensuring a pull-up, ST chose for leave an input floating. This time I prefer the Atmel engineers choice, other the Italian-ST solution.


However, leaving an I/O floating leads to an unpredictable behavior when that I/O is connected to an HCMOS input. Let's say that while the Atmel guys offered an internal pull-up, ST team tells that you must provide your own pull-whatever...okay, just viewpoints: it's much like guessing the gender of the angels.

The logic analyzer does not understand half-a-way levels, and shows only boolean states. Since the actual voltage is raising/falling smoothly, the LA (as the chips) reads it as a "delay", but it is not related to any bug.


How to solve it?

The simplest yet best way to solve the problem is...adding a pull-up to *any* I/O that might turn to a floating state. I'd place a 5-10k resistor to +5V (or +3.3V) to SCK, MOSI, MISO, and any CS. That's for HC595 chips.

Note that there's NO a general rule for choosing between a pull-up or a pull-down: it depends on the external logic, and to the desired behavior.


Hope it helps.



Thank you Mario, this is an excellent explanation of what people are seeing with their logic analyzers.

#14 RideTheWave


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Posted 28 December 2012 - 05:20 AM

Hi RideTheWave,


The next firmware update for Netduino Plus 2 will contain SPI enhancements.  The SPI_SS is getting asserted too late under this configuration setting.


Could you post a snippet of your code which is experiencing this behavior, so we can double-check it against the updated code?




Thanks Chris.  Below is the code I was testing the logic analyzer with:


            SPI.Configuration config = new SPI.Configuration(SPI_mod: SPI.SPI_module.SPI1,                                                             ChipSelect_Port: Pins.GPIO_PIN_D10,                                                             ChipSelect_ActiveState: false,                                                             ChipSelect_SetupTime: 0,                                                             ChipSelect_HoldTime: 0,                                                             Clock_IdleState: false,                                                              Clock_Edge: true,                                                             Clock_RateKHz: 1000);                        SPI spi = new SPI(config);            while (true)            {                spi.Write(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 });            }

#15 RideTheWave


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Posted 28 December 2012 - 05:27 AM

Thanks for taking the time to explain that Mario, that makes sense  I'll give your suggestions a shot tomorrow and report back!

#16 Nevyn


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Posted 28 December 2012 - 12:46 PM

I'm having a similar problem and you can find the discussion over thin the SPI Clock thread.


I have tried Mario's suggestion regarding the pull-up resistors and also took some readings on the scope and not the LA.  Both the data and the clock lines have signals on them before CS is dropped.


Forum member qc2012 found the same problem but found that running the clock at 1250 KHz gave the expected output.  I have tried adjusting the clock and found that for me, clock frequencies of 1500 KHz or above give the expected output.


Hope this helps,


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#17 stotech


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Posted 29 December 2012 - 02:50 AM

I tryed reducing the clock in increment's of 100. Starting from 1000. I'm at work now but it would be funny if that works when I get home.



#18 Mario Vernari

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Posted 29 December 2012 - 06:58 AM

I must admit my mistake about the correct functionality of the SPI of the Netduino Plus 2.

The SPI seems working fine (*) only when the configuration applied is:

Clock_Idle XOR Clock_Edge == false

which natively is:

NCPHA == 1


Instead, when Clock_Idle != Clock_Edge the SPI is a little disaster!


(*) I found a minor issue about the declared frequency and the actual one. Roughly: f_actual = f_decl * 0.667



I tested some parameters using this snippet. Also note that every message implies a total of 24 bits.



            SPI.Configuration config = new SPI.Configuration(                SPI_mod: SPI.SPI_module.SPI1,                ChipSelect_Port: Pins.GPIO_PIN_D10,                ChipSelect_ActiveState: false,                ChipSelect_SetupTime: 0,                ChipSelect_HoldTime: 0,                Clock_IdleState: ***,                Clock_Edge: ***,                Clock_RateKHz: 1000);            SPI spi = new SPI(config);            while (true)            {                spi.Write(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 });                Thread.Sleep(50);            }


Here follows some scope snapshots. Upper track is SCK, while the lower is MOSI: SS was not considered.


IDLE=false, EDGE=true

Attached File  UNIT0000.jpg   22.85KB   26 downloads
It appears that the clock begins earlier than the data output: look at the different voltage level.
Also there are only 23 rising edges instead of 24.
Finally the first byte has nothing to do with a "0000'0001" pattern, while the next bytes looks correctly.


IDLE=true, EDGE=true

Attached File  UNIT0001.jpg   22.92KB   27 downloads
Everything is fine. Tested enough in the past two days. I used these parameters for 74HC595 and other devices, but cannot be used for the 74HC165.


IDLE=false, EDGE=true

Attached File  UNIT0002.jpg   21.83KB   14 downloads
It is same as the first snapshot, except for the frequency constant, which is 2000 instead of 1000. However, the actual frequency is about 1.33MHz.
Anyway, the patterns looks perfectly.


IDLE=false, EDGE=false

Attached File  UNIT0003.jpg   22.98KB   13 downloads
Again, the SPI seems working correctly. This configuration matches the 74HC165 requirements, but not other logic like the 74HC595.


IDLE=false, EDGE=false

Attached File  UNIT0004.jpg   22.87KB   13 downloads

The SPI gets wrong. Similarly to the first snapshot, it issues only 22 falling edges (the 23rd is a 100ns spurious pulse at the beginning) and the first byte is wrong.


Upon the above tests, it is not the SS delayed, but the SCK anticipated, plus some other problem related to the SPI native driver.


At this point, yes, me too would expect a patch for those severe bugs.


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#19 Nevyn


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Posted 29 December 2012 - 12:00 PM




Upon the above tests, it is not the SS delayed, but the SCK anticipated, plus some other problem related to the SPI native driver.


At this point, yes, me too would expect a patch for those severe bugs.


Chris was in the chat room a few days ago and I mentioned that the SPI problems, if memory serves, this is number two on their To-Do list.




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#20 John West

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Posted 01 January 2013 - 06:05 AM

Arghhh... I just spent three hours trying to figure out why my SPI code wasn't working.  I'm glad I finally found this.  I changed the parameters from (copied from working NP code):


true, // The idle state of the clock

false, // The sampling clock edge

1000, // The SPI clock rate in KHz


to (for my new NP2):


false, // The idle state of the clock

true, // The sampling clock edge

2000, // The SPI clock rate in KHz


Now my code works again.  I assumed it was me, because I hadn't wired up a 74hc595 in several months, and figured I was doing something wrong.  The three hours weren't totally wasted... it was a great SPI refresher ;).


Hopefully this gets patched so others won't have the same pain.

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