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All Nwazet assemblies in one archive

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18 replies to this topic

#1 Fabien Royer

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Posted 08 October 2012 - 10:59 PM


I added an archive containing all the Nwazet Debug and Release assemblies needed to build projects without the source code:

I don't have the time to build a nice installer for these assemblies but if someone would like to contribute that piece, that would be greatly appreciated :)


#2 Matt Isenhower

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Posted 08 October 2012 - 11:06 PM

Hi Fabien,

A while back I posted an NSIS Installer for Netduino Go Module Drivers template. This is what I use for my module driver assembly installer, and it handles adding all the necessary values to the registry, generating an uninstaller, etc.

It should be pretty easy to customize the script to your needs. Also, if you want to see the actual script used in my drivers installer, that's included in the source code and examples package on

Let me know if you have any questions! :)

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#3 Gutworks


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Posted 08 October 2012 - 11:44 PM

Hi Fabien,

A while back I posted an NSIS Installer for Netduino Go Module Drivers template. This is what I use for my module driver assembly installer, and it handles adding all the necessary values to the registry, generating an uninstaller, etc.

It should be pretty easy to customize the script to your needs. Also, if you want to see the actual script used in my drivers installer, that's included in the source code and examples package on

Let me know if you have any questions! :)


Matt, this is a great solution. I love how I can download your latest drivers and have them automatically update everything. I wish the drivers for the Shield Base and Nwazet drivers used this process. I find it rather confusing at time looking for the assemblies in the Recent tab when they show several of the same names.

Fabien, if you'd like I'll give it a shot and see if I can create a similar installer for your drivers.


#4 Fabien Royer

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Posted 08 October 2012 - 11:51 PM

Matt, Thanks for sharing this. I love what you put together for your drivers and that would be perfect. Steve, Thank you for your offer! That would be awesome and sincerely appreciated! -Fabien.

#5 supra


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Posted 09 October 2012 - 04:47 PM

While back in 1989 -1996 When internet came out, I had this for 7 yrs. NSIS is so powerful s/w b4 win3 and win9. I used to play around, creating icon to desktop, folder, start menus, sending icon to statusbar control, sending all DLLs to c:/...., etc. And sending zip file to my friend frm Dubai to see how installer working But I'm no longer to used NSIS I am sticking with window 8 installer There r so many installer out there...such as instraShield, Window, McIntosh, Apple..

#6 Lunddahl


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Posted 09 October 2012 - 05:46 PM

There r so many installer out there...such as instraShield, Window, McIntosh, Apple..

But not so many of the popular ones are Open Source, and made by the guys who made Winamp.

I still look twice when I see some ef the big software venders using nullsoft to install their product, bet they didn't expect that when they baked something to install Winamp.

Quite impressive, and proof that Open Source can be the answer.

- Ulrik

#7 supra


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Posted 09 October 2012 - 06:21 PM

But not so many of the popular ones are Open Source, and made by the guys who made Winamp.

Quite impressive, and proof that Open Source can be the answer.

- Ulrik

After yr 2000, some r discontinued and Open Source code came around in 1997, but i cannot recalledPosted Image

#8 NXTwoThou


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Posted 22 October 2012 - 02:12 PM

Might also want to include the flashing utility for the DAQ and Display modules. I downloaded the set and am hunting through old forum messages now looking to see how to get the DAQ up to speed with the 10/7 firmware update.

#9 NXTwoThou


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Posted 22 October 2012 - 02:43 PM Not sure where all that got left off. Is the bin file in pre-padded? Do I just need to pull down the reflashing app for ShieldBase beta 4, replace ER_FLASH in the resources folder with NwazetDAQLVModule.bin and change 252340 to 55808 in program.cs, plug the DAQ module into socket 5, deploy and run?

#10 Fabien Royer

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Posted 22 October 2012 - 03:00 PM

Hi Jason, The method that I recommend for flashing our ARM-based modules is this one: http://forums.netdui...r-demonstrator/ Thanks, -Fabien.

#11 NXTwoThou


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Posted 22 October 2012 - 03:28 PM, basically, need to buy additional hardware.

#12 Fabien Royer

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Posted 22 October 2012 - 04:00 PM

We all wish flashing modules through a Netduino Go! worked well w/o jumping through hoops, but it's just not the case. I am as bothered as you are that this situation has not yet been addressed for all Go! users in a way that is seamlessly integrated with the Go! platform and this is why I proposed an alternative and spent time making a video to show how it works. Yes, there is a bit of hardware needed, but it's common and cheap.

#13 Chris Walker

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Posted 22 October 2012 - 09:11 PM, basically, need to buy additional hardware.

You can flash STM32 modules from a Netduino Go by deploying a reflashing app to the mainboard. We use this for Shield Base and it seems to be working consistently. No need for extra hardware.

There is a flash deployment glitch specific to the current which is being patched in If reflashing a module causes Visual Studio to have troubles deploying new apps to your mainboard, erase and reflash the mainboard. That's a very temporary workaround. You can also revert to the patch or wait until ships next week.

BTW, I've heard rumblings of an STM8 reflashing app for Netduino Go too. I'm very excited about that one too.


#14 Chris Walker

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Posted 22 October 2012 - 09:14 PM

HI Fabien,

We all wish flashing modules through a Netduino Go! worked well w/o jumping through hoops, but it's just not the case.

I spent a few minutes and built a version of the reflash app for your display. We tested it a few times and it was used by community members and it seemed to work consistently. Did you have troubles with it?

If so, please let us know specifics. We want to make sure that reflashing directly via Netduino Go works smoothly. Quality is a huge priority around here.

And yes, we are aware that the latest firmware gives Visual Studio pains sometimes after reflashing modules with large firmware. There's a workaround for that, and I'm told that the earlier firmware (and the new firmware) don't have the issue.


P.S. Thanks again for making the video about manual reflashing of STM32/STM8S modules. You did a thorough job, and it should be really useful for module developers as well. Thank you.

#15 Fabien Royer

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Posted 22 October 2012 - 09:41 PM

Hi Chris, Have you tried flashing our Nwazet DAQ module as well? This is what Jason was looking for in this case. When I did, the flashing application just got stuck on the last page indefinitely. I have personally given up on trying to flash firmware from a Go! main board because it's unreliable: one module might work 5 times in a row and fail on the 6th attempt, or based binary size changes, it may or may not work. IMO, Go! users should not have to go through so much pain and frustration to get upgrades: it should be a smooth user experience, baked into the Netduino Go! firmware by design. -Fabien.

#16 Chris Walker

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Posted 22 October 2012 - 10:00 PM

Hi Fabien,

Have you tried flashing our Nwazet DAQ module as well? This is what Jason was looking for in this case. When I did, the flashing application just got stuck on the last page indefinitely.

I haven't, although I've flashed several STM32F051-based modules without any troubles. If you send me a copy of the flashing application with your firmware in it, I'd be happy to debug it and get it working for you.

I have personally given up on trying to flash firmware from a Go! main board because it's unreliable: one module might work 5 times in a row and fail on the 6th attempt, or based binary size changes, it may or may not work.

If you can repro this, I'd really like to figure out what's going on. We use the STM32 reflash app to flash all of our production modules, and it works consistently here for hours on end. So I'd really like to figure out what's happening differently in this scenario.

One quick question: what length of cable are you using? We've re-flashed using assorted cable lengths--but shorter ones are better. If this is happening specifically with long cables, we may need to add some "re-establish state" logic to the flash app (not a bad idea in any case).

IMO, Go! users should not have to go through so much pain and frustration to get upgrades: it should be a smooth user experience, baked into the Netduino Go! firmware by design.

I totally agree. The current STM32 reflash app seems to be working really well for most people, and we have some ideas on how to integrate this even more seamlessly into the platform. But the STM32 reflash code will be at the core of whatever that next step let's be sure to figure out what's going on and get it resolved so we can take that next step.

Thank you for all your feedback and for help finding a repro on this,


#17 NXTwoThou


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Posted 22 October 2012 - 10:18 PM

I've attached what I tried, got the same stall-out on waiting for the last ack. When reading the original thread on the reflashing app, I added code to pad 0xff's to make sure it was on a 256 byte boundry, but didn't help anything because this particular bin is on a 256 boundry.

Attached Files

#18 NXTwoThou


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Posted 22 October 2012 - 10:18 PM

I tried 2 different 5cm cables.

#19 Fabien Royer

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Posted 22 October 2012 - 11:37 PM

Chris, I didn't keep that flashing application because it didn't work but you can repro the failure yourself using the binaries from our source repository as discussed at the beginning of this thread. The length of the cable (5 or 10cm) does not affect the outcome. Btw, it might be good to split this thread at the point where it started straying from the topic. Thank you, -Fabien.

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