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Adafruit 20x2 Character VFD (Vacuum Fluorescent Display) - SPI interface - 20T202DA2JA

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#1 Coding Smackdown

Coding Smackdown

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Posted 19 September 2012 - 12:44 AM

I picked up an Adafruit 20x2 Character VFD (Vacuum Fluorescent Display) - SPI interface - 20T202DA2JA

I was hoping to use it an one of my controller projects. I based my driver off of the MicroLiquidCrystal Shifter74Hc595LcdTransferProvider and the LCD class. I made changes based on the datasheets, but I'm having to send data and commands twice in order to get the controller to recognize what I'm sending.

I'm thinking maybe my SPI configuration is setup incorrectly, but I haven't been able to find too much about how to configure the SPI port.

I've included the code below, in case anyone can figure it out.


using System;
using System;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;
using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware;
using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.NetduinoPlus;

// SPI Vacum Flouresent Display Driver
// Based on the SPI_VFD Arduino Library
// Created by AdaFruit
namespace CodingSmackdown.Drivers
// When the display powers up, it is configured as follows:
// 1. Display clear
// 2. Function set:
// N = 1; 2-line display
// BR1=BR0=0; (100% brightness)
// 3. Display on/off control:
// D = 0; Display off
// C = 0; Cursor off
// B = 0; Blinking off
// 4. Entry mode set:
// I/D = 1; Increment by 1
// S = 0; No shift
// Note, however, that resetting the Arduino doesn't reset the LCD, so we
// can't assume that its in that state when a sketch starts (and the
// SPI_VFD constructor is called).
public class SPI_VFDisplay : IDisposable
// commands
private const byte VFD_CLEARDISPLAY = 0x01;
private const byte VFD_RETURNHOME = 0x00;
private const byte VFD_ENTRYMODESET = 0x04;
private const byte VFD_DISPLAYCONTROL = 0x08;
private const byte VFD_CURSORSHIFT = 0x10;
private const byte VFD_FUNCTIONSET = 0x30;
private const byte VFD_SETCGRAMADDR = 0x40;
private const byte VFD_SETDDRAMADDR = 0x80;

// flags for display entry mode
private const byte VFD_ENTRYRIGHT = 0x00;
private const byte VFD_ENTRYLEFT = 0x02;
private const byte VFD_ENTRYSHIFTINCREMENT = 0x01;
private const byte VFD_ENTRYSHIFTDECREMENT = 0x00;

// flags for display on/off control
private const byte VFD_DISPLAYON = 0x04;
private const byte VFD_DISPLAYOFF = 0x00;
private const byte VFD_CURSORON = 0x02;
private const byte VFD_CURSOROFF = 0x00;
private const byte VFD_BLINKON = 0x01;
private const byte VFD_BLINKOFF = 0x00;

// flags for display/cursor shift
private const byte VFD_DISPLAYMOVE = 0x08;
private const byte VFD_CURSORMOVE = 0x00;
private const byte VFD_MOVERIGHT = 0x04;
private const byte VFD_MOVELEFT = 0x00;

// flags for function set
private const byte VFD_2LINE = 0x08;
private const byte VFD_1LINE = 0x00;

private const byte VFD_SPICOMMAND = 0xF8;
private const byte VFD_SPIDATA = 0xFA;

private byte _linemode;
private byte _brightness;
private byte _displaycontrol;
private byte _shiftmode;
private byte _incrementmode;
private byte _displaymode;
private byte _cursormode;
private byte _blinkmode;

private byte _initialized;

private byte _numlines;
private byte _currline;

private readonly SPI _spi;
private readonly OutputPort _latchPort;
readonly byte[] _writeBuf = new byte[1];

public enum Brightness

public SPI_VFDisplay(SPI.SPI_module spiBus, Cpu.Pin latchPin, Brightness brightness)
var spiConfig = new SPI.Configuration(
Cpu.Pin.GPIO_NONE, //latchPin,
false, // active state
0, // setup time
0, // hold time
false, // clock idle state
true, // clock edge
1000, // clock rate

_spi = new SPI(spiConfig);

_latchPort = new OutputPort(latchPin, true);

//default to 2x20 display (SAMSUNG 20T202DA2JA)
begin(20, 2, brightness);

public void begin(byte columns, byte lines, Brightness brightness)
// set number of lines
if (lines > 1)
_linemode = VFD_2LINE;
_linemode = VFD_1LINE;
// save off for address translation
_numlines = lines;

// turn the display on with no cursor or blinking default
_displaycontrol = VFD_DISPLAYON;
_cursormode = VFD_CURSORON;
_blinkmode = VFD_BLINKOFF;
_shiftmode = VFD_ENTRYLEFT;
// init the display

//catch bad values
if (brightness > Brightness.VFD_BRIGHTNESS25)
_brightness = (byte)Brightness.VFD_BRIGHTNESS100;
_brightness = (byte)brightness;
// set the brightness and push the linecount with VFD_SETFUNCTION

// set cursor shift for romance lnaguages

// clear the display
// set starting address to column 0, row 0

public void setBrightness(Brightness brightness)
// set the brightness (only if a valid value is passed
if (brightness <= Brightness.VFD_BRIGHTNESS25)
_brightness = (byte)brightness;

command((byte)(VFD_FUNCTIONSET | _brightness | _linemode));

public byte getBrightness()
// get the brightness
return (byte)(_brightness);

public void clear()
command(VFD_CLEARDISPLAY); // clear display, set cursor position to zero

public void home()
command(VFD_SETDDRAMADDR | 0x00); // set cursor position to zero

public void setCursor(byte col, byte row)
int[] row_offsets = { 0x00, 0x40, 0x14, 0x54 };

if (row > _numlines)
row = (byte)(_numlines - 1); // we count rows starting w/0
// we only have 20 columns even though there are 40 cols addressable
if (col > 20)
col = 20;

int address = col + row_offsets[row];

command((byte)(VFD_SETDDRAMADDR | address));

// Turn the display on/off (quickly)
public void noDisplay()
_displaycontrol = VFD_DISPLAYOFF;
command((byte)(VFD_DISPLAYCONTROL | _displaycontrol | _cursormode | _blinkmode));

public void display()
_displaycontrol = VFD_DISPLAYON;
command((byte)(VFD_DISPLAYCONTROL | _displaycontrol | _cursormode | _blinkmode));

// Turns the underline cursor on/off
public void noCursor()
_cursormode = VFD_CURSOROFF;
command((byte)(VFD_DISPLAYCONTROL | _displaycontrol | _cursormode | _blinkmode));

public void cursor()
_cursormode = VFD_CURSORON;
command((byte)(VFD_DISPLAYCONTROL | _displaycontrol | _cursormode | _blinkmode));

// Turn on and off the blinking cursor
public void noBlink()
_blinkmode = VFD_BLINKOFF;
command((byte)(VFD_DISPLAYCONTROL | _displaycontrol | _cursormode | _blinkmode));

public void blink()
_blinkmode = VFD_BLINKON;
command((byte)(VFD_DISPLAYCONTROL | _displaycontrol | _cursormode | _blinkmode));

// These commands scroll the display without changing the RAM
public void scrollDisplayLeft()

public void scrollDisplayRight()

// This is for text that flows Left to Right
public void leftToRight()
_shiftmode = VFD_ENTRYLEFT;
command((byte)(VFD_ENTRYMODESET | _shiftmode | _incrementmode));

// This is for text that flows Right to Left
public void rightToLeft()
_shiftmode = VFD_ENTRYRIGHT;
command((byte)(VFD_ENTRYMODESET | _shiftmode | _incrementmode));

// This will 'right justify' text from the cursor
public void autoscroll()
command((byte)(VFD_ENTRYMODESET | _shiftmode | _incrementmode));

// This will 'left justify' text from the cursor
public void noAutoscroll()
command((byte)(VFD_ENTRYMODESET | _shiftmode | _incrementmode));

// Allows us to fill the first 8 CGRAM locations
// with custom characters
public void createChar(byte location, byte[] charmap)
location &= 0x7; // we only have 8 locations 0-7
command((byte)(VFD_SETCGRAMADDR | (location << 3)));
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)

// spool string data to the display
public void print(string data)
byte[] output = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data);
for (int i = 0; i < output.Length; i++)

/*********** mid level commands, for sending data/cmds, init */

private void command(byte value)

_writeBuf[0] = VFD_SPICOMMAND;
_writeBuf[0] = value;




_writeBuf[0] = VFD_SPICOMMAND;
_writeBuf[0] = value;



private void write(byte value)

_writeBuf[0] = VFD_SPIDATA;
_writeBuf[0] = value;




_writeBuf[0] = VFD_SPIDATA;
_writeBuf[0] = value;



public void Dispose()
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#2 Kem



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Posted 19 September 2012 - 09:36 PM

Thanks for posting! I was looking for a nice Vacuum Fluorescent display. Just ordered the same one, so in a few days I will dig in to this, not to say I'll get it working, but well I'm going to try :). Cheers, Kem

#3 Kem



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Posted 07 October 2012 - 10:56 AM

Finally! The display arrived!

So, browse the internet, quickly find out how to connect it, and see if it works. It is a really nice screen I must say.

I can confirm that I have exactly the same issue you do, but that's not really strange, because I've loaded your code :). As soon as I remove the second write action from the write method things go wrong. The first byte you send gets ignored, the second one works.

private void write(byte value)

_writeBuf[0] = VFD_SPIDATA;
_writeBuf[0] = value;




_writeBuf[0] = VFD_SPIDATA;
_writeBuf[0] = value;



Now to find out why...

#4 Kem



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Posted 07 October 2012 - 01:37 PM

Have been playing with the code a bit, no clue to why you must send each byte twice, but have improved the speed a bit.

Writing the complete display for 1000 times took 00:03:37.444 and now takes 00:00:37.705, makes for a difference of just 3 minutes :).

The things I changed:

        private void command(byte value)
            _spi.Write(new byte[] { VFD_SPICOMMAND, value, VFD_SPICOMMAND, value });

        private void write(byte value)
            _spi.Write(new byte[] { VFD_SPIDATA, value, VFD_SPIDATA, value });

If you change the print method you can even knock off another 5 seconds to: 00:00:32.094.

        public void print(string data)
            byte[] output = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data);
            byte[] buffer = new byte[] { VFD_SPIDATA, 0, VFD_SPIDATA, 0 };

            for (int i = 0; i < output.Length; i++)
                buffer[3] = output[i];

#5 Coding Smackdown

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Posted 08 October 2012 - 07:50 AM

Kem, I like how you've made the SPI write calls a more compact. I was thinking that maybe I needed to add some time between the writes in order to get the device to understand the commands. The only thing I can think of is that the first time through we are writing to the CG Buffer and the second time we are writing to the Data Buffer which gets displayed. I'm still a bit lost on why we have to write it out two times. Nothing in the documentation give a clue. I've got a second one on the way and this time I'll put a data analyzer on it to see what is going on. Cheers
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