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High resolution light measurement

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#1 monewwq1


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Posted 17 September 2011 - 02:50 PM

I am trying to find a suitable component that would allow me to measure the brightness of an image appearing on a computer monitor. Specifically, the computer is set up to flash different colored images and I want my Netduino to read and interpret the brightness values of those images. I bought this light-to-frequency converter:, which looks promising. Does anyone have any other suggestions for suitable components? I suppose I could use a standard photodiode, but I am looking for a large resolution, and I need a fast response time because the colors on the monitor will flash on and off quickly. I am thinking that having a large resolution will allow me to set up a larger range of commands that could occur depending on the light frequency that the Netduino reads. The end goal is to be able to allow a user to program certain aspects of my Netduino using the variances of light frequencies coming from images on a web page. In effect, a "'dark" frequency might represent a "1", and a "light" frequency might represent a "0". A company called Aniomagic has an e-textile product called "Sparkle" that allows you to program it by holding it up to your computer monitor, but I have much bigger plans for this basic idea. You can see "Sparkle's" program page here: http://www.aniomagic...program/?hl=en. Do you think the light-to-frequency converter would work for a Netduino project like this?

#2 Nevyn


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Posted 17 September 2011 - 04:09 PM

I bought this light-to-frequency converter:, which looks promising. Does anyone have any other suggestions for suitable components?


Funny you should mention this component as I was looking at it this morning. I was considering using it to measure daylight. There is an article on Bildr showing an Arduino hooked up to another device in the family. My thoughts were to hook it up to one (or two) binary counters (I was thinking 74HC4040) to get the frequency.

I'd be interested in hearing your experiences.


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#3 monewwq1


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Posted 17 September 2011 - 04:37 PM

I am under the impression that I can use an InterruptPort on the Netduino without the need for additional components. Perhaps code like this would work with the TSL235R? I will give it a try and let you know the results.

#4 Mario Vernari

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Posted 17 September 2011 - 04:45 PM

I think that the light-to-frequency sensor would be more difficult to interface than a simple photo-transistor and a op-amp. That's because the blinking frequency is low (less than 10Hz) and a Netduino should not have any problem to sample a so low freq signal. I am not sure at all, but measuring the frequency with a Netduino seems to me much harder than reading a dark/bright signal. Anyway, you both could you explain better how do you think to build the system? I'll try to wire up a simple circuit, then I post the schematic, and the related considerations. Cheers
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#5 Nevyn


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Posted 17 September 2011 - 05:33 PM

I am under the impression that I can use an InterruptPort on the Netduino without the need for additional components. Perhaps code like this would work with the TSL235R? I will give it a try and let you know the results.


The reason I was thinking about the counter was to lower the overhead on the Netduino. By farming this task out you can set it going and come back to it later to get the results.

I was going to put the sensor in various light conditions and measure the frequency to get an idea of the range I could be expecting and let the results determine InterruptPort or hardware. As Mario pointed out, low frequency (and indeed high frequencies) could be a problem. Mind you, it depends upon the level of accurary required.

This is to be part of the greenhouse monitoring / control project I was thinking about for next year. I'd like to think our tomato plants will be watered and cared for to get the most out of them :)

Look forward to seeing the conclusions you come to.


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#6 baxter


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Posted 17 September 2011 - 07:05 PM

I had a project that is now gathering dust which used the TSL230R with an Arduino. The application was a DIY ultraviolet radiometer. I used a Woods glass filter to block the visible spectrum. The TSL230R is a very versatile high dynamic range device with both frequency and sensitivity scaling. It outputs frequency which is proportional to irradiance, uW/cm^2. As I recall, the Arduino merely counted pulses during an interuptable time period. The big advantage of the TAOS devices is that you don't have to mess with operational amplifiers. Here is a site with a lot of good information on using the TSL230R, http://jethomson.wor...0r-and-arduino/ http://jethomson.wor...radiance-meter/ Baxter

#7 monewwq1


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Posted 17 September 2011 - 07:52 PM

Yes, if an Arduino can interface with this sensor, I find it hard to believe that a Netduino cannot.

This is the wiring I am using right now:

TSL235R ------ Netduino
======= ---- ========
GND(1) ---- GND
Vcc(2) ------ +5V
Out(3) ------ Digital I/O pin 2

I also have a 0.1uF cap wired from Vcc to GND, as mentioned in the TSL235R datasheet.

This does not work, and when I try to load my C# via USB, it says: "An error occurred: Please check your hardware." Edit: If I remove the TSL235R from the Netduino, I do not get the hardware error. I have no other devices plugged in to the Netduino.

I also tried wiring it to 3.3V on the Netduino and that does not work either.

Does anyone know what is wrong with my wiring?

Edited by xdfkdkhj, 07 October 2011 - 03:36 AM.

#8 monewwq1


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Posted 17 September 2011 - 11:29 PM

Ok, this code works, using the wiring method I mentioned in my other reply above:

using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;
using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware;
using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.NetduinoPlus;

namespace TSL235R
    public class Program
        // Constants
        const ulong period = 10000;			   // Number of light frequency measurements
        const float area = 0.0092F;			 // Sensing area of TSL235R device (cm2)
        // Variables
        static ulong pulses = 0;		  // Counter of measurements of the TSL235R
        static ulong frequency;		   // Read the frequency from the digital pin (pulses/second)
        static float irradiance;			    // Calculated irradiance (uW/cm2)

        private static InputPort TSL235R_Pin = new InputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D7, false, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled);

        static int readCount = 0;
        static bool result = false;
        static bool prev_result = false;
        public static void Main()
            while (true)
                while (readCount < 10000)
                    result = TSL235R_Pin.Read();
                    if (result == true && prev_result == false) // Rising
                    if (result == false)
                        prev_result = false;
                    if (result == true)
                        prev_result = true;          
                Debug.Print("Frequency:  ");
                Debug.Print(frequency.ToString() + " pulses/second");		 
                Debug.Print("Irradiance: " + irradiance.ToString() + " uW/cm2");		
                readCount = 0; 
                pulses = 0;		

        static ulong getfrequency () {
            frequency = pulses/(period/10000);    // Calculate the frequency (pulses/second)
            return (frequency);

        static float getirradiance()
            irradiance = frequency / area;	// Calculate Irradiance (uW/cm2)
            return (irradiance);

Example results from debug console:

1786 pulses/second
Irradiance: 194130.438 uW/cm2
1790 pulses/second
Irradiance: 194565.219 uW/cm2
1932 pulses/second
Irradiance: 210000 uW/cm2
2375 pulses/second
Irradiance: 258152.172 uW/cm2
2478 pulses/second
Irradiance: 269347.812 uW/cm2
2640 pulses/second
Irradiance: 286956.5 uW/cm2
2435 pulses/second
Irradiance: 264673.906 uW/cm2
3001 pulses/second
Irradiance: 326195.656 uW/cm2
2720 pulses/second
Irradiance: 295652.156 uW/cm2
2540 pulses/second
Irradiance: 276086.938 uW/cm2
2104 pulses/second
Irradiance: 228695.641 uW/cm2
2742 pulses/second
Irradiance: 298043.469 uW/cm2

There are two problems here though:
  • I am not using an InterruptPort, because it did not work properly for me.
  • I do not know if the readings I am getting are really accurate irradiance measurements.

Regarding Point 1, if anyone knows how to modify this code to use an InterruptPort, please reply and let me know. I tried to add InterruptPort code, but it causes my Netduino to lock up and become non-responsive to my C# IDE.

Regarding Point 2, I put a black piece of felt cloth over the sensor, and the reading went way down. I then shined a bright light onto the sensor and the reading went way up, so I know I am getting semi-valuable readings. However, the readings fluctuate by about 20 to 50 values while I am at a particular light level, and I am uncertain why. The readings do go up and down as expected, but they also "jump" while they are within that range. How can I fix this? Perhaps there is nothing wrong. I wonder if shadows are causing the "jumps".

#9 Mario Vernari

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Posted 18 September 2011 - 05:49 AM

the specs say that the output frequency can vary from 1Hz up to 1MHz (fig. 1). It means a pulse every second, but as low as 1us. The interrupt port of the Netduino absolutely can't follow a so high rate, nor it is able to serve the counter within the handler (it takes much longer than just a microsec).

Moreover, to measure the frequency, you should count the number of pulses within (let's say) one second. It means that the response time of your "light-detector" could not be faster than just a second.
Now, if the symbol rate of the Sparkle is about 10Hz (1 symbol every 100ms), how will you able to detect the symbols?

Keep it simple!
Watch this circuit: is given for Arduino, but it's absolutely the same for Netduino:
The only difference is that you should power it using +3.3V, instead of +5V.

How it works?
The transistor is actually a "photo-transistor". It is a (quasi) normal transistor, having a lens focused on the silicon chip inside it.
Look at the schematic now. When the transistor is "open" (i.e. suppose a switch), there's no else component than the resistor pulling the voltage to ground (i.e. 0V).
A normal transistor will let the current flowing when there is a small driving to the "base" lead. Here the base lead is left open, and the light will act as the base was connected. At this point the current flowing through the transistor will bring the analog input toward the +3.3V.
  • when it's dark the transistor is "open" and the analog port voltage is close to zero;
  • when it's bright the transistor is much like a "variable resistor", acting as a voltage divider, thus the analog port is greater than zero.

In your app you may simply read the AnalogPort, then compare the read value with a couple of thresholds: lower and upper. When the spot is dark, the reading must fall below the lower threshold, when is bright the value must fall above the upper limit.
That's a pretty good yet reliable way to detect the light symbols.
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#10 monewwq1


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Posted 18 September 2011 - 09:20 AM

Page 3 of this document indicates that the TSL235R can be used for photographic applications. Instead of the project I mentioned above, let's say I want to build an accurate light meter for a camera. How could I make the TSL235R work with the Netduino from 1Hz all the way to the full 1MHz output frequency so that I have full resolution? If I programmed this in native code, would that work? Or is there another component I could use to obtain the frequency from the TSL235R and then somehow send the results to the Netduino? If so, how can I do this?

#11 Mario Vernari

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Posted 18 September 2011 - 01:28 PM

Oh, well...if you are going to create such a kind of light-meter (how is it called?), I think the usage of the sensor could be one of these:
  • use the sensor output to feed a counter, then read the number produced by the counter within a time unit (e.g. 1 second);
  • use an Arduino board.
The first choice is targeted for the Netduino, because it is difficult to reproduce/measure times and delays with a decent accuracy.
The second choice is using the native code on a very basic microcontroller, without any other service running into. However, the Arduino could produce its result, and a Netduino could read it via SPI, for instance.
I'd choose the second solution, because it sounds simpler and more compact than the first one.

The sensor looks great, but there is a problem that makes any conversion hard. You may notice that the sensor has a dynamic of 10E6, i.e. from 1 to 1MHz. In other words, if this sensor was a voltage generator and you were using an ADC, you should consider at least a 20-bit ADC.
So, I guess the Arduino would be the easiest way to monitor the frequency produced by the sensor, just because you may code the best algorithm without great efforts.
Hope it helps.
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#12 monewwq1


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Posted 18 September 2011 - 06:28 PM

The sensor looks great, but there is a problem that makes any conversion hard. You may notice that the sensor has a dynamic of 10E6, i.e. from 1 to 1MHz. In other words, if this sensor was a voltage generator and you were using an ADC, you should consider at least a 20-bit ADC.
So, I guess the Arduino would be the easiest way to monitor the frequency produced by the sensor, just because you may code the best algorithm without great efforts.
Hope it helps.

Pardon my ignorance, but does this mean I could connect a 20-bit ADC to an Arduino and use it to measure the TSL235R output and then connect an Arduino to my Netduino via SPI? This way, the Arduino could report the measurements to the Netduino at a certain reasonable time interval. Is that correct?

I found this ADC chip that looks like it interfaces with an Arduino nicely. Although it is a 24-bit ADC, they were getting 18-to-19-bit precision in testing. Would this chip work for me?

#13 Stefan W.

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Posted 18 September 2011 - 06:40 PM

No, the ADC was for an hypothetical analog sensor. If you're hooking your sensor to an arduino, you can directly count the pulses with it and then send that number to your netduino. However, using an arduino is overkill for that, you could just use a "naked" microcontroller (e.g. an atmega168 or similar - also overkill for this, but a lot cheaper than a "full" arduino :) - that is, if you already have a programmer/are planning to buy one anyway).
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#14 monewwq1


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Posted 18 September 2011 - 06:51 PM

No, the ADC was for an hypothetical analog sensor. If you're hooking your sensor to an arduino, you can directly count the pulses with it and then send that number to your netduino. However, using an arduino is overkill for that, you could just use a "naked" microcontroller (e.g. an atmega168 or similar - also overkill for this, but a lot cheaper than a "full" arduino :) - that is, if you already have a programmer/are planning to buy one anyway).

#15 monewwq1


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Posted 18 September 2011 - 07:24 PM

I am still confused as to why I cannot directly interface it with a Netduino. Does it somehow make a difference if it is outputting a 50% duty cycle and not a pulse train? How are they doing this with a .Net Micro Framework board? Here is an example of directly interfacing a TSL230R with a .Net FEZ board, using .Net Micro Framework C# code. Am I missing something? Are they scaling the result or something?

#16 Nevyn


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Posted 18 September 2011 - 07:44 PM

I am still confused as to why I cannot directly interface it with a Netduino. Does it somehow make a difference if it is outputting a 50% duty cycle and not a pulse train? How are they doing this with a .Net Micro Framework board? Here is an example of directly interfacing a TSL230R with a .Net FEZ board, using .Net Micro Framework C# code. Am I missing something? Are they scaling the result or something?


It's down to the speed that the Netduino works at compared to the frequency range. Whilst the processor itself is fast you need to allow a fair amount of the CPU time for NETMF. You could find yourself with the interrupts coming in to fast for NETMF to process. You also have to consider that there is some latency in processing the interrupt and also grabbing the time. This latency can lead to errors in calculating the frequency.

Cannot comment of the FEZ example or how / why that works.


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#17 Nevyn


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Posted 18 September 2011 - 07:53 PM

Here is an example of directly interfacing a TSL230R with a .Net FEZ board, using .Net Micro Framework C# code. Am I missing something? Are they scaling the result or something?

Just browsing the code and they use a NativeEventHandler - wondering if this is helping with the speed of the interrupts?


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#18 baxter


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Posted 18 September 2011 - 08:33 PM

The TSL230R has the ability to scale the frequency so that you can interface it to a slow device. Read the data sheet and app notes on the TAOS site. The TSL230R is more expensive, but at least you can get some data out of it. Baxter

#19 Stefan W.

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Posted 18 September 2011 - 08:40 PM

Just browsing the code and they use a NativeEventHandler - wondering if this is helping with the speed of the interrupts?


No, that part of the code is redundant.

The method will also work on the netduino, as long as the frequencies don't get too high. From the datasheet you can see that the frequency can go up to at least 500khz (they don't provide an absolute upper limit, but a graph in it goes up to 1mhz) which means that there's one pulse every 2 µs, and that is too fast (i don't have absolute timings, but i recall interrupts taking at least 20µs).
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#20 monewwq1


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Posted 18 September 2011 - 09:50 PM

I just set up that FEZ code to run with the Netduino and the TLS235R, and Netduino still chokes on it after three reads. I also had to cover up the sensor with black cloth or else the Netduino failed immediately. Here are the readings I'm getting with the sensor completely covered:

Using an Interrupt
Reading 0
20400 Hz
221739.13043478262 uW/cm2
2650.3369113867698 lux (single)
163.81671308080081 lux (gauss)

Reading 1
20500 Hz
222826.08695652176 uW/cm2
2663.3287589916072 lux (single)
164.61973618413808 lux (gauss)

Reading 2
20400 Hz
221739.13043478262 uW/cm2
2650.3369113867698 lux (single)
163.81671308080081 lux (gauss)

Reading 3
3500 Hz
38043.478260869568 uW/cm2
454.71466616929877 lux (single)
28.105808616804058 lux (gauss)

Invalid frequency 0
Invalid frequency 0
Invalid frequency 0

I guess I am going to have to learn how to program another bare MCU and use that for my readings. It is really cool to watch the frequency change on my oscilloscope as the light levels change. The readings look nice and stable. And yes, I shined a really bright light on the sensor and watched the scope and it did go to one pulse every 2µs.

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