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Can't execute Blinky project

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#1 elmarquez


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Posted 25 August 2010 - 02:07 AM

I've just purchased my Netduino and am trying to execute the Blinky project. My Netduino is recognized by the OS. I've entered the code as provided in the setup PDF and on the YouTube video, and configured the project to deploy to the device. When I run the project, it stops at "Preparing to deploy assemblies to the device" then eventually times out with a device not ready error. Here's my setup: Windows 7 64 bit Visual Studio Professional 2010 .NET microframework SDK 4.1 Netduino SDK 4.1.0, 64 bit Any suggestions on how I can trace the problem here? Thanks, Davis

#2 Chris Walker

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Posted 25 August 2010 - 03:10 AM

Hi Davis, Welcome to the community. Sorry that your Netduino is giving you troubles. Let's see if we can figure this out... When you run the MFDeploy.exe tool (which comes with the .NET Micro Framework SDK), can you "ping" the device? If so, try the "erase" feature to clear the existing app off your Netduino--and then try running Blinky from Visual Studio again. Also, what happens if you press the "RESET" button on your Netduino while Visual Studio is trying to deploy/run your app? Chris

#3 elmarquez


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Posted 26 August 2010 - 01:30 AM

hi Chris; The first time I pinged it with MFDeploy, nothing happened; I had to pull the cable to stop the ping process. Then, I executed the erase function successfully and pinged it again. It responded with "TinyClr". However, when I tried to deploy Blinky, it hung as before. Finally, I hit the reset switch a number of times before and after deployment attempts to no affect. Davis

#4 elmarquez


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Posted 26 August 2010 - 01:36 AM

Sorry ... you asked what happens if I hit reset during deployment. The answer is: the blue LED light comes on, and stays on, then Visual Studio eventually prompts me with a dialog saying there is an error and asks whether it should cancel the operation. The blue LED remains on after cancelling. or it just stays hung.

#5 Chris Walker

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Posted 26 August 2010 - 07:11 AM

Hi elmarquez, So the Blinky app never gets deployed--correct? (in other words, the blue LED never starts blinking)... If the blue LED is not going off when you plug in your Netuino, it's getting stuck in "TinyBooter/bootloader" mode somehow. That's very odd. Are you running the latest firmware (v4.1.0.2), pinned at the top of the forum? Two quick diagnostics tests: 1. when you ping your Netduino from MFDeploy and get "TinyCLR"--can you then deploy an EMPTY (new) Netduino app? 2. when you ping your Netduino from MFDeploy and get "TinyCLR"--can you then deploy the Blinky program? I'd be happy to take this offline and walk you through some diagnostics steps if you'd like. It's possible that you've received a damaged Netduino somehow--but it's also possibly just a glitch from the older firmware, etc. Chris

#6 elmarquez


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Posted 27 August 2010 - 12:01 AM

Chris; I updated the firmware successfully. Previously, during power up, the user led came on for a second or two then turned off. Now it stays on continuously. I can not deploy the Blinky program or any empty Netduino apps to the device -- VS remains in the 'preparing to deploy state'. Davis

#7 Chris Walker

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Posted 27 August 2010 - 12:17 AM


I updated the firmware successfully. Previously, during power up, the user led came on for a second or two then turned off. Now it stays on continuously.

I can not deploy the Blinky program or any empty Netduino apps to the device -- VS remains in the 'preparing to deploy state'.


If your LED is not turning off, you're stuck in TinyBooter (the bootloader). Restart your computer and just plug in your Netduino. Does the blue LED turn off after a few seconds? If not, then the firmware wasn't flashed correctly for some reason. Just reflash it, and it should come back to life.


#8 elmarquez


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Posted 27 August 2010 - 02:50 AM

Chris; It finally worked. Thanks. Davis

#9 Chris Walker

Chris Walker

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Posted 27 August 2010 - 03:09 AM

It finally worked. Thanks.

Superb. Glad it's working for you!

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