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problems with deployment

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#1 firedude


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Posted 13 June 2011 - 04:38 AM

After debuging my program i decided to move to the next phase of testing running without computer attached to the netduino btu the program will not runoinits own without the visual studio express attached to the netduino. I disconnected the xbee expanision and repowered the board for a power source bit the software will not run. evrytning peforms fine when attached to the denugger but will not run indepentantly of the debugger.

#2 Chris Walker

Chris Walker

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Posted 13 June 2011 - 07:13 AM

Hi firedude, Very odd. Let's see if we can help diagnose this... Try opening up the MFDeploy tool (Start > Programs > .NET Micro Framework > Tools > MFDeploy.exe). Then select your Netduino in the pulldown and press F5 to connect to it. Finally, reset your Netduino and try to PING it. Do you see the boot sequence? Do you see any Debug.Print statements sent from your device? Does your app run? Welcome to the Netduino community, Chris

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