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Where is PWM class in 4.2.1

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#1 Direstraits


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Posted 05 June 2015 - 01:51 AM



I am using the following dlls for my project


Visual Studio 2013 Community

Netduino Plus 2

.Net Micro 4.2

SecretLabs.NETMF.HardWare 4.2.0

SecretLabs.NETMF.HardWare.Netduino 4.2.1


I am messing around with fading a buzzer and some LED's and am having trouble locating the PWM class in the secret labs dlls.  VS keeps trying to reference the .Net version which seems more complicated and doesn't use the same parameters as the tutorials I am following.


I dowloaded the sample from this website was able to navigate to the PWM class I needed in the Object Browser.  Even if I type out the namespace visual studio is now finding it (ex. SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.PWM)


Is there something wonky with the dll's I have, should I change the version I am using?

#2 Chris Walker

Chris Walker

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Posted 05 June 2015 - 04:29 AM

Hi Direstraits,

Because of the new PWM class in NETMF 4.2+, we have removed the legacy PWM class from the main DLLs. But it's still just need to add "SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.PWM.dll" as an assembly to your project.

Does that get you up and running?

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