hello guys,
I have a problem with my netduino plus 2 when I use the ethernet.
My release of .NETMF is 4.3.1
During normal running, I have the follow error:
LWIP Assertion "already writing" failed at line 1111 in C:\MicroFrameworkPK_v4_3\DeviceCode\pal\lwip\lwip_1_3_2\src\api\api_msg.c
what it does mean?
This error appear also during the execution of different parts of code where I am not using the socket.
The Netduino freezes after a certain period of work in random instant and not immediately after this error.
Is there a bug in the release 4.3.1?
How can I solve this?
ps: I tried to turn off the lan (Pin PD2/UART5_RX.Write(false)) when I don't use it, but when I turn on it (Pin PD2/UART5_RX.Write
(true)) it seems the lan doesnt't restart to work...
Please, someone can help me?