Hello everybody, my netduino is in its way and i'm still new even i'v made mor than 5 netduino programes ( Which i haven't tested yet ! ) , any way ...
I'm Making a wifi robot which have 4 brushless motors , i'm lucky becouse netduino have 4 pwm ports , i know how to connect the motors ( or ESCs in this case ) and how to program and run them using pwm , but using a variale risistor , what i can't know tell this moment , how to pwm using the wifi , with another words , i want to use the netduino ethernet port and from my pc over the wifi change the pwm between 0 and 100 of each motor , eg (http://XXX.XXX.X.X/m1/75) , and another question please , this robot have 2 servos and i want to control tem too with the same way eg (http://XXX.XXX.X.X/s1/45) .
thanx and i'm sorry becouse i've many questions .